chapter 13

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Heyy...I'm not going to be able to upldate for a almost two months!!!! Don't hate me please???....But I promise when I get back, I'll do a long, good update!!!!

This chapter's kinnda boaring, but I needed a filler...

Vote, comment, fan!!!

I love you!!!



Alyssa’s POV:

A bright light woke me up. I tiredly blinked and tried opening my eyes. The bright morning sun poured through the window and burned my eyes. I let out an angry groan and squeezed them shut. I heard someone yawn above me and felt movement.

“Morning Alyssa.” Harry tiredly yawned again. My eyes shot open and stung from the light. I sat up and looked around. Definitely not my hotel room. Piano in the corner, coffee table, couch, Harry on the couch, me on the couch. 

“Oh god, Felicia’s going to kill me!” I whispered and shook my head. I’d gotten up too fast so my head started spinning and my whole vision went black. “Ow I’m dizzy.” I mumbled and Harry pulled my head back down.

“Better?” he asked smiling.

The wave of dizziness had passed over me and everything was back in order, well not exactly. “Better. What time is it?” I asked looking around for a clock. Harry reached towards the table for is phone. “Oh could you grab mine too, please?” I asked. He handed it to me. I checked the time.

“Eight seventeen.” we both said at the same time. I let out a little giggle. Then I looked at the messages. 24 new messages and 8 missed calls.

“God, you’d think I hadn’t had my phone for weeks.” I muttered and heard Harry laugh. Mostly they were from Felicia and a few from my mom.

Felicia is hot: Where are you??

Felicia is hot: Hello??? Answer your phone!!!!

Felicia is hot: Answer the fucking phone!!!! Did you get kidnapped or raped or something??!!!??

Felicia is hot: That’s it i’m calling your mom!!

I decided there’s no point in going through all of them. I called my mom and explained, then I called Felicia, apologized and reminded her that she did the same thing to me.

“How did you not hear your phone?” Felicia asked furiously. “Or were the two of you making too much noise...” she trailed off.

“Ew, Felicia no. Just no. I think it was on silent, get over it.” I sighed. “I’ll explain when I get home. Bye!”

“Yeah, if you get home.” she muttered then screamed an enthusiastic bye. That girl has serious mood swings. Harry was bright red and was trying not to laugh.

“That was—uh–Felicia?”

“Yeah, she’s a special kid.” I smiled and we both laughed. I put my phone on vibrate. “I’m thirsty. Want tea or coffee?”

“Tea, please.” Harry replied. I started boiling the water when a tired Louis walked in rubbing his eye.

“Hi.” he yawned and waved. “Love, make some coffee too.” he said.

“Okay.” I guess he wasn’t surprised that I stayed the night. He sat down at the counter and rested his head and his hand. Then Louis shot up and looked at me, wide eyed.

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