chapter 8

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“Harry! Don’t you dare!” He turned me to the side and put his arm behind my back. I tried to run, but he was still holding me. “Harry, I’ll kill you! DON’T!” I screamed as he lifted my feet off the ground and was holding me bridal stance in front of the hotel.

“Am I extrodinharry?” he asked with a smirk.

“Harry, put me down this instant!” I looked down and my head started spinning. I wrapped my hands around Harry neck and buried my face in his shoulder. He looked at me and shook his head. 

“You make me do this!” Then he started spinning in a circle. It was slow, but that brought me over the top. 

“HARRY!” I shrieked. “Okay, I’m sorry. You are extrodinharry! I’m sorry for calling you ordinharry.” I squeezed my eyes closed. He stopped and leaned his chin on my head.

“I’m sorry.” Harry mumbled, but I could tell he was smiling.

“Just put me down, please.” As much as I loved being in his arms, I couldn't take much more of this. He slowly set me down. I didn’t open my eyes until I felt the hard cement securely under my feet. I looked around and noticed that everyone was starring at us. Harry and I cracked up. We made plans for tomorrow in the same place and time, then we hugged and went our separate ways.

I got up to my room and waited for Felicia to come and interrogate me about “Henry”. I hated lying. I couldn’t do it. My face would turn red, I’d avoid eye contact and I was always smiling. Plus, Felicia could tell when I was lying. She knew me too well. I nervously sat fidgeting with a pen and paper, doodling. I attempted to draw Harry from memory, but gave up soon after. My plan was to tell Felicia that “Henry” looked some what similar to Harry so I could get out easily. I knew it wouldn’t be that easy. I sat for what felt like 2 hours, turned out to be 20 minutes, so I decided to get ready for bed and possibly be asleep by the time Felicia got home. I purposely extended my time in the restroom, hoping that Felicia would be asleep. I decided on straightening my hair the next morning so I let it dry naturally. I got out of the restroom an hour and a half later, squeaky clean. Felicia restlessly paced back and forth in front of the door.

“What the hell took you so long in there?” she screamed when I flopped down on the bed.

“I don’t know. How was your date?” I asked playing with a tissue to avoid eye contact.

“Great! We went to this fancy restaurant and had amazing food! Then he took me on a walk. And before I left, we kissed!” she squealed with excitement. “How was you day with Henry? What does he look like?” she shot questions at me faster then I could respond.

“Fun. We just walked around and had dinner. He kind of looks like that Harry guy.” I shrugged my shoulders to add uninterest.

“Harry Styles? What a coincidence!”

“Yeah, weird...” I trailed off. “I’m meeting Harr— Henry, tomorrow at ten. I should get some sleep.”

“Oh, of course. Me and Jake aren’t meeting ‘till noon, so don’t wake me up tomorrow morning. Night.” 

“It’s Jake and I...” I mumbled, correcting her grammar. When I heard the restroom door close, I let out a sigh of relief. I calmed down and fell asleep.

I had nightmares that night. My dreams were vivid and petrifying. In one, I was running down a dark street. Old dead trees lined one side, held back by a huge brass fence. Across the street, there was a dark cemetery. Small tombstones dotted the many hills where dead bodies had been hidden. One old fashioned lanturne stood at the end of the street. Beneath it, Harry stood leaning against a brick wall. I started running towards him, but couldn’t move forwards. Then, I heard the roar of a motor cycle behind me. I whipped my head back and saw Simon on his motorcycle. He let out a crazy laugh and shot his bike down the street. He whizzed past me and went straight towards Harry. I tried screaming but no sound came out. He hit Harry on the side of the head, and sent him flying in to the lifeless cemetery. Simon road his motorcycle to Harry’s motionless body and veered to a stop beside it. Simon kicked Harry into a hole in the ground made for a grave. Tears were pouring down my face and I was screaming so much my throat started to hurt. Felicia shook me awake. Her eyebrows were knit together and she looked concerned.

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