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Aaron's pov

There are so many people in this tiny room... Ugh, this is just going to be another year. Can't wait to get to my dorm room so I have piece and quiet.

"Aaron there you are; I've been looking everywhere for you" said Irena

Irena is the only friend I'm aloud to have, but only because long ago she was having a play date with my sis and somehow she found out about me. She's been my only friend since then. She's kinda like that girl from high school, kawaii~chan. Irena's hair was as red as an apple and her eyes are brown as dark chocolate.She has big round glasses and large gold loop earrings that reflect the sun. Also a sparkling smile that seems to never fade.

Hey everyone this chapter is dedicated to a really good friend of mine. She is helping me write this story and is the reason I started publishing my story's. She helped me create the character Irena. Thank you petitecomic for the help. Check out her Tumblr. Also if anyone haw any criticisms, comments or questions, I can do an Q&A. THANKS!!!!!

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