Twisted Dreams

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Vlyad's pov

It's been about a month since Aaron and I went on our first date. I still remember everything about it like it was yesterday. We've gone on 2 dates since then. They all have been magically wonderful. We went to a movie and once just hung out in the park. I always want them to last forever, but they always end.
I feel at peace with the world. It's a good feeling, like I finally did something right. My life's been tough, being the youngest sibling and being adopted. It's been hard living with Garroth and Zane as older brothers. Most people think that I'm going to be either like Zane or Garroth.  Garroth is the golden child, he's perfect and good at everything. It's really hard to stick out with a brother like him. Don't get me wrong I love him, but people don't always think that I could be different than my brothers. Aaron makes me feel special.

"I'm home!!" I call out while walking into the kitchen.

I didn't expect a response. I knew no one would be here. No one ever is.... and even if they were home I would tell them where I was and I don't know what I would say. I walk into the living room and toss myself in the couch. My eyes start to become really heavy and I drift away into darkness...

I am at the beach. The sun is shining and the sand beneath my toes warm. The water looks like a clear, blue crystal. I feel overwhelming happiness. I turn around and see Aaron walking up to me. He has a radiant smile an his eyes look bright. Suddenly Garroth and Zane come running over to me.

"Hey baby bro!!" Garroth yells

I look over at Garroth. Suddenly as if Garroth and Zane bring bad luck the sky got dark grey. Massive storm clouds cover the sky. Wind is whipping through the air. Hail and rain drops the size of golf balls start falling from the sky.

"Baby bro... what are you doing with Aaron?" Garroth says with a devilish look in his eyes

"Yea.. Vlyad what are you doing?" Zane says. I look up into their eyes. They are stone cold, but also devilish. I expect that Zane... but definitely not Garroth.... he wouldn't do this.
They walk over to Aaron and shove him to the ground.

"NO!!Why are you doing this?" I yell at them. I don't understand why they're doing this...

Ugh!!! Oh I.. must have fallen asleep... I didn't realize how sleepy I was. What did that dream mean? Would they actually do that?

My mind is racing there are so many different thoughts going through my head. What would my family do if they saw me going out with Aaron? Would they except it? I decide to call Irena. She always knows what to say to make me feel better.

*ring ring*
"H..hey Irena..." I say in a soft shy voice
"Vlyad what's wrong?" Irena could clearly tell that something was wrong, she always could.

"Vlyad I'm coming over now and your going to tell me what's wrong, ok?" She says in a mother-like voice right before she hangs up. A few minutes later the doorbell rings. I open the door to see Irena holding a tub of Ice cream and a little plush dog. I feel a little embarrassed because my eyes are super puffy and red. I hate letting people see me like this. She walks inside and follows me to my room.

"Vlyad tell me everything now" she demands. I tell her about the nightmare. Her eyes get really wide when I finish the story. She hugs me tightly. Nothing is said, she just hugs me. I lay my head on her shoulder and a few more tears escape my eyes. They stream down my face on to Irene's shoulder.

"Vlyad it's going to be alright." She says in a soft, sweet voice.

"Vlyad don't worry. I know your family and I'm sure that they will except anyone that makes you happy" she says before hugging me again. We eat Ice cream and watch stupid kid movies. Kid movies somehow always make me feel better. There is something about them that is soothing to me. After we finish watching a few movies Irena leaves and I go to bed. I'm still extremely tired.

Aaron's POV

Irena texts me and tells me that Vlyad isn't doing to well. I feel really bad for him. He's the nicest person and he doesn't deserve to have horrible nightmares. I want to cheer him up. I go to a toy store to find something for him. I see these two little turtles sitting next to each other. I decide that I need to get them. I buy them and head to Vlyad's house. Hopefully he's at home and not sleeping.

Vlyad's POV

I was having a good dream when suddenly the doorbell rings. It's probably my parents, so I go down to answer it still in my PJS. I open the door and see Aaron standing there. I blush a little because I didn't want him to see me in my PJS.

"Oh, um sorry. Did I wake you up? Umm" he says nervously.

"No it's fine.." I say

"W..well a little birdie told me that you weren't doing the greatest right now so I wanted to get you a little something" he pulls out 2 turtles. One is green and the other is red.

"I just wanted to say that no matter what happens and what other people say, we will still be together. This is you and this is me" he says pointing to the green and red turtles. He hands me the red one.

" I will always have your back and hopefully you will always have mine" he says. I hug him. I didn't expect this. I.. I love it.

"T..thanks Aaron" I say

" I have to get going, sorry that I can't stay long.." he says turning to the door

"Bye" I say as he walks away from the house...

Wow, DANG! 1027 words. I don't think I've ever written this much for one chapter. Hope you all enjoyed it!!

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