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Hey everyone, this chapter is doing to be a little different. It's going to all be about Irena and who she is. It'll be from her perspective and it will be her talking about her life! I thought this would be a good idea because as the story goes on there will be a lot more about her and her family. Thanks for being patient about me not updating for a while.


Hi, I'm Irena!! I'm Jinxlinx88's first OC. I was created to help Vlyron grow. Since my reason for being created was to help Vlyron, I am a crazy Vlyron Fangirl!!!!
I am average height and I have fire orange hair. I wear purple-blue glasses and Golden hoop earrings. I am creative, smart, a little geeky, funny, energetic and full of life. I also love animals and shipping. I have a pet fox named Cosmo. Cosmo help me with my magic abilities since I'm a witch.
I have a pretty big family. At home I live with my mom, Dad and older sister. My older sister is also a witch and she's a lot more popular and powerful then me. I don't get along with her very well, she always ignores me and locks herself in her room. I have lots of extended family too!! I have 7 aunts, 5 uncles, 1 grandma, 2 grandpas and a bunch of cousins. I don't really know many of my cousins, but I get along really well with Lucinda.
I've know Aaron mostly my entire life, I remember the first time I met him. My parents sent me to his house to meet his sister. I remember we didn't have anything in common, so I wondered off and found Aaron. We started playing and we're having a really fun time, when his parents came in and tried to get me away from him. He got really mad because they were taking his new friend away. That's when his eyes changed and I realized that he couldn't turn me. We have been friends ever since. Over the years I've been his best friend. He would tell me everything good and bad.
Well I think that's mostly everything about me!! Till next time!!! Bye!!!

Ok, guys that was a little about Irena and her life. Plz tell me if you enjoyed this or if it was helpful. If there is any comments or suggestions please comment below or send me a message! Thanks again for understanding why I haven't been able to publish anything.

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