The Valentine's Day Date

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Irena's pov

I decided to help Vlyad with is crush. Since I know Aaron so well I had a plan. I would ask Aaron what he thought of Vlyad. Since he kinda knows I ship them he won't catch on. I Can't WAIT to TALK to HIM!!! But first I have to get Aaron alone without his dad's agents or anyone else.

Text message conversation

I: hey Aaron what are you doing? Wanna hangout?

A: Sure, where?

I: My dorm!!! Don't bring anyone

A: ok? When?

I: NOW!!!

A: oh ok, on my way

Conversation over

Everything is working as planned. Vlyad doesn't know I'm doing this, so hopefully Aaron doesn't tell him. I sent Vlyad home to rest and think. I was picking up my room when I heard a knock at the door. My heart jumped, I'd forgotten all about Aaron coming over.

"Oh, um hey Irena. What's going on? Why did you seam so urgent when you texted me?" He asks walking in and crouching down to pet Cosmo. I can see that Aaron looks confused and worried, maybe he should be since he's working with me.

"Umm, well thought his might sound a little strange, but do you like Vlyad?!?" I ask excitedly hoping that he answers yes

"Um, Irena why are you asking this?" Aaron asks more confused than before.

"Just answer!! Please!!! I won't tell anyone!!" I respond

"Well... I... mean... he is kinda cute when he's flustered...." Aaron responded with the answer that I was hoping for.

"But don't get your shipping hopes up.. I don't think he feels the same way about me..." Aaron said not knowing about what I know

"Trust me, he feels the same way" I say

"How do you know? And why would he..... like we just met... and...and we barely know..."

"I have a feeling he likes you and would like to go on a date to get to know you better!!!" I say trying to keep my excitement inside

I decided to text Vlyad and tell him to meet me at Olive Garden at 4:00pm. I made a reservation for Aaron and Vlyad so that they can have a romantic Valentine's Day date!!! I am so excited!!!

Time skip, a few minutes before 4:00pm

Aaron is already here. He's wearing a nice red shirt and black pants. He looks super nervous and anxious.

" know, I haven't tried to be in a relationship since High School, what if I do something wrong or if I embarrass myself and he thinks I'm a weirdo" Aaron asks

"You'll be fine!!! You look great and I know you won't embarrass yourself" I respond right before Vlyad walks into the restaurant. I glance at Aaron just as Vlyad walks in and I see that he's blushing slightly.

"Showtime" I whisper under my breath

Vlyad's POV

Omg, I think I'm going to have a heart attack. I.. i can't do this, i have to go. H...he looks so nice... ugh I don't even know what to do, I've never been on a date or been in a relationship!!! I'M FREAKING OUT ON THE INSIDE, BUT I CAN'T LET HIM KNOW. Ok, stay calm Vlyad, you can do this

"Umm, Hey... Aaron" ugh I sound stupid, why did I say that

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!! Hope you all had an amazing day no matter if your in a relationship or not!!! Hope you guys enjoyed this short chapter!!! A part two will be written most likely tomorrow, Sorry for not publishing both parts on the same day, but I'm tired!!! Night!!!


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