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Irena's Pov

It's been a few days since I went to lunch with Lucinda, Aaron and Vlyad. I think that Aaron has feelings for vlyad! They would make a really cute couple. Plus Aaron is always blushing when he sees vlyad. I'VE ALWAYS WANTED A SHIP!!!! Well I mean I have shipped other people, but this is different because they are real people and it might come true!!! I am going to do anything it takes to make this happen!!!!

Aaron's pov

Garroth invited me to a Pheonix Drop High reunion. I'm not sure if  I'm going to go. I'm going to think about it. I.. I haven't seen anyone from High school in years except for vlyad and Lucinda. I wonder if they even remember me..

Hey guys sorry for the short chapter, my glasses are broken and I'm having a hard time seeing things, but I haven't written anything in a really long time!!! Sorry, I have no excuse except that I've been busy. I promise that after I get new glasses I will write a few chapters.
Sorry again 😞😔😣

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