An epic fight against the three sword style twins!!

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Your point of view

After the younger kids left Zoro and I thought out loud to each other. "You know bro, being a pirate might not be so bad..." as I through the idea into the open I here the clinking of his three gold earrings hitting one another as Zoro aggressively turns his head to look at me.

"Are you crazy!!" He practically shouts. "There pirates! We're pirate hunters!"

"So?" I answer a lot less loud than my directionally impaire- on second thought, I'm as bad as him when it comes to where I'm going. "We can still complete our... promise..." I tear up slightly at the thought of our childhood. "We can still honor her..." at this point my eyes are overflowing with tears."... she wasn't just your friend, you know! She meant the same to me as she did you... and I want to fulfill our promises to her..." I look up at him to see the saddest look I've seen on his face in years. "I'm sorry..." I choke out. "I didn't me-"

"No... I'm sorry... you're right..." he smiles a sad smile. "Now that that's over with, we better be quiet or else we'll get the al terrifying 'Helmepo'." He said with a smirk causing me to chuckle.

~~~~~~~Time skip brought to you by all the hamltrash of the world 😂~~~~~~~

Your point of view (still)

Both Zoro and I were taking our tenth nap of the day when we herd feet landing on the ground in front of us. Zoro brings his head up to see who it is when the "mystery" person yells "Join my crew!" It was that Luffy kid.

"Like I said, no." Zoro responds. And I don't blame him for sticking to his gut.

"You both use awards right?" He asks.

"Yes." Zoro answers shortly.

"Well what if I go get you awards for you? Then you'll have you Jain my crew!" Luffy exclaimed smiling from ear to ear.

"What?" I ask in disbelief. He starts running in the opposite direction of the base and Zoro corrects him.

"Oi! You're going in the wrong direction! It's over there!" Zoro yells.

When Luffy turns around he tells some thing along the lines of 'Gomn Gomn Rocket!' And his arms stretch out like they where made of rubber (that's because they are) my mouth, I think it literally hit the floor. That when I hear Zoro finishing what he was mumbling "... all by himself..." he trails off.

~~~~mine time skip brought to you by Philip Hamilton stripping down to his socks for you ~~~~~~~~~

Maybe ten or twenty minutes later he comes back with all six of the swords they confiscated from us the day we where ties to these damn crosses. "I didn't know which ones where yours so I grabbed them all!"

"Three are mine and three are his." I jab my chin in Zoro's direction. "Now untie us please."

As Luffy finishes untying us and we get our sword situation under control, we hear the giant doors to the actual base, slam open. And in rushes all of the marines on the base. 'This should be fun...' Zoro and I think as we both tighten our bandanas. All the marines are shaking, quite literally might I add, in their boots as the sound of six swords being unsheathed is heard.

(I'm not good at fight seines so I'm just going to skip to the part where their all in the dinner, after the awesome fight)

I lean back in my chair as I finish the last of my meal. "Ahh~ I forgot how good food was~" I sigh in delight. I look over as our new captain continues to gorge himself with a giant mountain of food and I nearly fall out of my chair.


~The damned swordsman's twin~ sanji x readerWhere stories live. Discover now