Part Ten: I Don't wanna Sleep Anymore........

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last time

Ussop sits in the chair awkwardly staring at me "well.. tell me about yourself..." I say turning my head to look at him. "Well..." he started "I am The Great Pirate Captain  Ussop, one of the most fearsome pirate captains that ever lived!" He proudly claimed. I smile, "Well,Great Pirate Captain Ussop, why not tell me a story of your childhood or something?"  His smile falters for a moment, the movements small I almost missed it. "So," Ussop starts, and I can almost see the gears turning in his head, trying to come up with a neat little story, "... my father once took me on his ship with him, you know the whole "I wanna give my kid the adventure of a lifetime" thing..." as he continues to spin his little web of stories, my smile gets bigger and sleepier looking. My eyelids begin to grow heavy as he started to talk about seeing a huge Whale swimming along side his fathers ship, the more I tried to pay attention the heavier my eyelids got and the more it hurt to open them. "... and that's not even the coolest part, the Whale jumped over the shi......" he continued on way more comfortable than when I first asked him to tell me about himself. As he continued to talk and explain I fell into a deep peaceful sleep.


I opened my eyes feeling the warmth of the sun leaking through some gap in the wall of seeping through the glass in the window, it felt nice and comforting. Feeling well rested I lift my arms up and stretch letting out a more manly sounding groan, I mean who doesn't sound like a man when they stretch? Anyway, as I stretched I felt no pain, anywhere, a satisfied sigh escapes my lips when the sound of popping coming from my back. I relish in the fact that i can fully extend myself without it hurting.

As I begin to relax my extended muscles and stretch out my neck, I feel thin but solid arms rap around my torso. Alarmed I jump away from the arms and turn to face the, now confused, man sitting behind me. "who are you??? And why did you sneak up behind me?!?" I yell at the man, getting ready to beat the shit out of him at a moments notice. With a shocked look on his face he raises hi hands in surrender. He opens his mouth and in a wildly gravely and seductive morning voice, says "Whats the matter sweat heat? We always sleep in the same bed." I stare at him and examine his face in great detail, blond hair, blue eyes, stubble on his chin, and some unique swirly eyebrows. Its the man from all of my previous dreams. I was dreaming. Ilook around us too see that it was the same room as before.

I continue to look around the small homely room, forgetting about the nameless man's presence. The room felt so right and comforting, like I could take a nap or watch the rain splash on the window curled up on the bed with a warm blanket, or watch as my future children take naps in between my partner and I. A random motherly instinct told me that children is what I wanted to see in here the most. I only stopped looking around when I heard a silent throat clearing behind me, causing me to look back at the man who had startled you mere moments ago. "Are you okay princes?" The man looked concerned. I need to know who this man is before I wake up, so I part my lips and ask, "What's your name?" I see a look of shock and hurt rush over the mans face, "Darling? Did you-did you..... are you okay?" The hurt look on his face says it all, but i still need to know what his name is, I cant just pretend to know who he is! Even if he's a dream guy i need to know his name. he scoots closer to me and places his hand on my head, "You feel a little warm darling..." His face of hurt turns to one of concern, "you can't get sick, the baby," he places his hand on my, apparently, swollen belly. "we have to get Chopper in here so he can help you.

'WHATTTTTT?!?!?!?' is all I can think in this moment, 'How can I be pregnant?!?' I was thinking so had, that I didn't hear the door open and the click of little hooves. "It's going to be okay......."


My eyes shoot open and I see that I'm back in the medical room I've been borrowing. I sigh, but my peace quickly falls away to more panic as i remember what else happened in my dream, so wanting to make sure that it was only a dream i sit up, fighting the pain it caused me to do so, I rip the sheets covering my legs and my topless torso to see that i was in fact not bulging with a child growing inside of me. Seeing that my stomach was still toned and covered in bandages I let out the breath i hadn't known I was holding in and fell back onto the bed with a groan. "What the hell was that? and why does it keep happening?" I ask the air around me, not really expecting an answer, but still a bit upset when a moment passed with nothing explaining my dreams. I look strait up at the ceiling, 'I don't wanna sleep anymore....'

(A/N) heyyyyo it's me Wonder! sorry for the wait and how short this chapter is, but hey its an update isn't it lol. I hope i got this one out sooner than i did my last one, but anyway let me know what you think of it and if you like the dream sequence ;)


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