chapter five: The orange haired woman

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As we get off of the boat only one thought resides in my directionally challenged mind, 'Here we go...'

After exciting the damn dingy I start stretching my aching back. I groan in pleasure at the popping sensation coming form the joints in my back. After finishing with my stretching I look at the village standing around me. it looks abandoned and destroyed. 'What happened here?' I thought to myself as I continue to inspect the rubble letting my thoughts consume my mind. My thoughts where interrupted by the sound of a guns being cocked and the sound of swords being drawn out of their holsters. I turn around to see that the three pirates that we picked out of the sea earlieare pointing their guns and swords at me and Zoro. "Now we take you to captain Buggy!" the one in the middle yells getting shouts of approval from the other two with him.

I glance over at the green haired male standing besides me. I see him harden his expression and start to draw his swords out, causing the men's voices to falter and theirs hands holding the weapons to fall back to their sides. We watch them drop to the ground and beg us to let them live. I chuckle at the sight of the "all so mighty" Buggy pirates on their hands and knees begging for their lives and praising us on being the strongest swordsman/woman. I sigh and start to walk towards the gloomy looking village and hear Zoro fallow behind me with hastened footsteps. As we walk we hear a very familiar voice, "Join my crew!"  With that I start to sprint towards our rubber limed captain.

"Hey! Waite for me!" I hear Zoro say as he runs to catch up to me. Not long after that we make it to our captain and see him fallowing a orange hared woman around continuously telling her to join his crew.

"Luffy!!!" Zoro yells his name to get his attention away from the poor woman. He looks over to us and his smile grows wider (if that's even possible) as he runs over to us.

"ZORO! (Y/N)!" Luffy shouted while jumping at us to hug us, but we, well Zoro , moved away leaving me to get tackled by the flying rubber-man. He brings me into a hug like a vice grip. I stand there in the midst of blacking out from the lack of oxygen, when the orange haired lady smacks Luffy on the back of his head causing him to let go of me to hold his head. Being free of the vice that was once squeezing the literal life out of me I gasp in multiple lungfuls of the sweet sweet air I was deprived of not only moments ago. After a few moments of catching my breath, I look up to the orange haired and thank her for saving my life. she responds with a simple 'You're welcome'.

"Wait! (Y/n) and Zoro, as in the three sword style pirate hunting twins?!?!?" The woman asked slightly (complementary) shocked. We nod our heads in response to he question. I watch as her jaw hits the floor in utter shock. I smirk slightly at the fact that our names are already this known this widely. We're getting closer to fulfilling our promise to her . I snap out of my... trip down memory with the vicious woman standing in front of me and waving her hand in front of my face. "Hello, earth to (Y/n)!" she says with irritation in her voice. I look at her with a questioning look on my face. "I was asking what you two where doing here?" she says the irritation becoming thicker at the fact that she had to repeat herself. I sigh and begin to explain every thing from the marine base to now.

She looks me in the eye and asks "Why?"

"What do you mean?" i ask back genuinely curious as to what she's referring to.

"Why become a pirate?" she elaborates.

"As long as we become the greatest swords-men, we have no problem with who or what people we become that title with. Be it fighting with the marines, bounty hunters or pirates... as long as we keep our promise...." I say staring off into space before my thoughts where cut off by the sound of pirates coming towards us. Zoro grabs my hand and runs to hide both of us in a deserted building I peek out of the door to see the orange haired woman, and Luffy sanding in the middle of the god damned road with the pirates starting to circle him. One walks up behind him and knocks him in the head thinking that'll make him pass out. Luffy just stands there and looks behind him to see a very shocked pirate. While Luffy was turned around another pirate came up behind him with some rope. Seeing where this was going i shake my head and go back behind the building.

"Here we go again...." I say to no one in particular knowing that it's going to be another long day.. or week... or however long this is going to take......

(a/n) hey everyone!!! I know I updated in a reasonable time this time 😱                           Anyway i hope you enjoyed and i know i messed up just a little with the progression of the story line but it has bean a little while since i watched these episodes last 😅

With love;


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