Chapter Eight: The Long Nosed Man Brings Trouble

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"That's what you get for being a dumbass......." Zoro says as he walks over and grabs the last, and smallest bag of food and sake rations taking it with him on the boat. He took out two bottles of sake, and handed me one which I gratefully took. As I was sitting there drinking the sweet alcoholic beverage, I couldn't get the man from my dream out of my mind. I ended spacing out so much that I didn't notice hat we had set sail and left all of the treasure. That didn't really mean anything to me so I just watched the villagers celebrate their freedom. As Nami yelled at Luffy I tube out again, with only one thought on my mind...... 'Who is the man in my dream? And why can't I get him out of my mind???"

Your p.o.v.

After we set sail about three weeks went by before we started to run dangerously low on rations and with there being an injured member, me, we desperately needed to get to land, that's the problem though........ THERE'S NO LAND IN SIGHT!!!!!!!!! and I'm afraid that if we don't find some soon, that Luffy will start to think that we look like walking drumsticks. yes that really is my biggest fear at the moment.................. anyway back to what I was saying, a little three weeks at sea, little food and water, and an injury that prevents me from doing anything, though I still push myself to help and not be a bother, witch makes it hurt like hell might I add.

"Luffy! Stop chasing me! You can't eat me!" Well it looks as though my greatest fear of Luffy trying to eat me is, uh, coming to fruition isn't it. Now who's the silly one hmmmmmm? "Owwwwwwwwwww!!" I let out as Luffy bites my left ankle for the third time.

"LUFFY STOP!!" Nami yells as she hits our captain in the head trying to get him to let go of me. when she finaly got him to let go she hits him in the head again causing him to go hide in the bow of the boat. i sigh in relief " Thanks Nami.'' I said as i gently rub the puffy red bite marks on my weakening leg.

"It's no big deal..... we do need you to get better after all." Nami says, a big toothy smile spread across her face. I smile back but faulted when I feel a little faint. I stumble forward tripping slightly and catching myself on the railing of Nami's boat. Attempting to lift myself up again, I hit my stomach where part of my injury is. When that happens I feel a wave of nausea hit me causing me to lean as far over the rail as I can without hiring my self and letting loose what was in my stomach, which was practically nothing but stomach acid. In a slightly panicked state of mind Nami quickly rushes to comfort me. When I finish heaving she leads me over to the room on her boat. "You need to lay down..." she helps me lay down and brushes my short green hair out of my tired (e/c) eyes. "I'll see if I can find you something to eat or drink... ok?" A tired smile graces my lips as I nod at the thought of refilling my now even more empty tummy. She smiles down at me again and tells me that she'll be right back. I close my eyes and chuckle at Nami's protective older sister or maybe even mother like tendencies.

A light knock on the door shakes me out of Lala land. I hum as a way of saying 'come in'. The door opens and I see Zoro walk in. I look at him in shock, he just walks over and hands me a slice of bread I take it with a childish look on my face. He looks down at me smirking at me and ruffles my hair. His smirk disappeared to one of all seriousness as he looks at a wall. "I know you don't want to hear this.... especially from me but, you need to be more careful... especially with your wound not being fully healed..." I grow slightly.

"Don't you think I know that...." I say in a low tone. "I try and I'll continue to try but... I make no promise... just like you." I finish with a smirk. After a few silent moments of half glaring at each other, and me eating the bread, I slide over a bit and pat the empty space beside me. Zoro shakes his head and lays/lounges on the wall. I shrug and lay downs and close my eyes falling into blissful sleep.

*Small time skip*

I blink my eyes to adjust to the bright light shining into a the big room I fell asle- WAIT!! I didn't fall asleep in a big room! I sit up and look around frantically trying to figure out where I am. While looking at the far wall I feel a hand being paced on my shoulder. I jolt toward the person that the hand is attached to. "Whoa! Calm down there..." I see a man I have never seen before. He has a long nose and long curly black hair.

"Who are you..?!?" I ask in a still panicked manner.

"I'm Captain Ussop!" The long Moses man exclaimed.

'I feel as though he brings trouble....'


(A/n): well uhh.... hi guys! Would ya look at that! I'm not dead!! Ok so seriously though I'm  soooooo Sorry for not updating for like..... a reaaaaaaalllllyyyy long time... it's just um that I'm REALLY bad with procrastination and just overall being lazy AF! But anyway... I hope you like this chapter and can forgive me for being a piece of garbage...... well.... have a nice day/night!!!


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