(A/N): I'm going to do a vote

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OK so as the title says I'm going to take a vote on how you all want this story to advance or continue. I'm going to list some opptions and i want you to coment a "yes" or maby a sigestion on how YOU personaly want this to continue. I just want all of you active readers of this book story thing, that i will NOT update until i get at least some people who are willing to giv me some feed-back.

1. skip to when Sanji joins the crew and then stay true to the rest of the way the anime progresses.

2. continue the way i have been going.

3. skip to when Sanji joins and make up my own accounts of what would happen 

4.  comment your suggestions right here

5. or start over again and do it better

i'm making this story for your guys enjoyment so i want to know the way you want me to wright this. please please please comment and tell me the way you want this story continue. please, i cant ask you guys enough, i really want you guys to have a say on this. oh and before i Finnish this i want to say that you can privet message me anytime (I mean i might not reply for a while) with suggestions or just if you want to talk that's cool too. 

 (A/n): man I'm looking back on this and I'm cringing t how bad it sounds, but that's OK just as long as the message got through..... hopefully.....😅

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