Chapter Nine: Or...... Maybe He Brings us Stories

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"Who are you..?!?" I ask in a still panicked manner.

"I'm Captain Ussop!" The long Moses man exclaimed.

'I feel as though he brings trouble....'


"Of the Ussop pirates!" the long- er Ussop, finishing his introduction.

"Well.... I'm...." I say slightly confused. I try to sit up before continuing but stop with a grunt of pain escaping my vocal cords, i feel a hand on my shoulder helping me to lay back down gently.

"I know who you are, your Roronoa (Y/n), of the bounty hunting twins! Your brother brought you into town and you where out cold! So i took you both to the healers, he told us that you had gotten some pretty nasty wounds so the doc fixed you up!" He said with a proud smirk on his face.

'so that's why it hurts more than usual.......' I think and look down a where my gash should be '....and why I'm only in a bandage....' after finally connecting the pieces I relax a bit more and lift the bandage up a bit to see that there are indeed stitches holding the two pieces of sliced flesh together. I must have zoned out, something I've been doing more and more recently, because i was brought back to reality be Ussop snapping his fingers in front of my face. I shake the, whatever it was, out of my head and look up at him. "I'm sorry, what where you saying?"

"I was asking what you two are doing with pirates, you know with you being pirate hunters and all...." he says as he scratches the back of his neck in, embarrassment was it? maybe i don't know.

I think for a moment before replying. "Oh, yeah we are now." I have a feeling it's not as simple as I think it is but, meh what ever. After I say that the long- Ussop, man I need to get better at remembering names. Anyway, Ussop looks at me in shock. I can tell that I didn't answer his question so I take a small breath and continue. "We were in a rough predicament and it happened to be beneficial for our predicament......... so we took up his- OUR captain's  offer and, well, here we are." I gave a small smile and a joking bow...... well as good of a bow as i could do while being, you know, bed ridden..... and in ohhhh whats the word, ah, that's the one, pain! (such a salty mic salter-son XD)

He sees my pathetic attempt at getting up and he gently pushes me back down. "Hey! You're still hurt!" I scoff and slap his hand away.

"I'm fine......" I cringe as i try to sit up again. Needless to say, I pushed myself back down this time. "You know what?" I look up at him "I think I'm just gonna lay down...... and its not because you told me to!" I finish with a overly defensive tone that makes, Ussop? chuckle slightly. I role me eyes and flip him the birdie. He places his hand on his chest in mock offence.

'I can feel the camaraderie building between us' I smile slightly at the thought 'I hope our paths don't part anytime soon.....' 

I look up to the sound of him clearing his throat, when he sees that he has my attention he stands and says, "Well I think I'll leave you to rest, and maybe tell your brother that you're awake..." He sweat drops lightly at his last comment.

I chuckle slightly at his fearful face. "He's not that scary you know, if you ask me," I pause to see that a stream of light was coming from the newly open door, well at least I don't think it was opened before, anyway, I look at the door only to see my obnoxious twin's iconic brown boots with a tinge of green and I chuckle evilly in my head. I continue what I was saying Usopp "He's more of a stupid lovable moss-head." I smile triumphantly when I see Zoro, peaking out from behind the door, out of the corner of my eye. Acting like I hadn't seen him at all, I watch as he brings his head to the crack between the door and the door frame, he glares daggers at me. Not being able to hide the fact that I saw him, I start to laugh. I laughed so hard that my cut started to burn white hot. i stop laughing and start cringing as tears build in my eyes. That's when Ussop stopped laughing and instead of helping me he just stood there as the tears welling in my eyes started to trail down my face. That's when Zoro made his presence known. He ran into the room right at my side.

"hey, hey, are you ok? What hurts?" he says as he brushes my hair to the side.

I grab his hand. "I-I'm fine...... j-just pushed m-myself more than I-I could handle..." I give him a slight smile and drop his hand. "So," I started trying to change the topic, "how long was I out and what did I miss?" He looks at me, catching that I wanted to change the topic and thought for a moment.

"About a day or two...?" Zoro asks looking back at Ussop. Ussop think do a moment and nods.

"A day at most." He holds up one of his hands with his thumb up. I smile at only being out for about a day.

"Ok, so, what did I miss?" I look at Zoro.

"Oh not much, Luffy ate, his normal shit tone of food and we got to know long nose over here" he grabs his thumb over his shoulder to gesture to Ussop, "a bit better." At Zoro's uncalled for nickname Ussop shook his head and held up his hand.

"I have s name you know?"  He whines. Zoro waves of his comment. I weakly slap his arm.

I weakly slap his arm. "How would you like it if everyone who knew your name didn't use it? Hmm?" I scold him while looking him dead in the eyes trying to, maybe possibly most definitely, guilt trip him into being nicer. I could tell it worked because his eyes instantly softened to an apologetic look. "Well anyway we got to know him better and he says that he can get us a ship." Zoro says looking back at Ussop hopefully. "Isn't that right?"

Ussop looks a bit confused but it's quickly replaced by s face of understanding and confidence. "Yeah that's right I can get you guys a ship." He puffs out his chest as he finishes. I chuckle lightly and look back to Zoro. "Hey," I jokingly punch his arm to make sure I have his whole attention "what's a girl gotta do to get some saki here?" I raise one eyebrow in a comical matter.

Zoro shakes his head and stands from his crouching position by the side of my bed. He walks out the door and waves his hand behind himself brushing off my comment. "Even while injured, your the same old you.." he chuckles as he continues to walk away from me. I may have flipped him the bird... ok so I definitely flipped him the bird with a nice playful smile on my face as I'm sure was on his too. Ussop, still kinda hiding in the corner looks in down at the floor. I gently pat the chair next to me, that Zoro didn't see, really what am I gonna do with him?, anyway I pat the chair and lay my head back on the pillow behind me, "Hey come on, let me get to know you too.." I Amalie gently at my longer nosed companion, "I don't bite," I smirk "well maybe I do, but not to people
I just met." I finish with a wink. (Flirtatious sent we reader-Chan 😏😂)  I see him physically stiffen and blush just the tiniest bit and that's when I can't control the light hearted laughter bubbling up my throat. "I'm only kidding! Just come sit and talk to me until my brother gets back with the saki." I pant out as I hold my stomach groaning lightly "... damn... guess I can't laugh like that for a while..."

Ussop sits in the chair awkwardly staring at me "well.. tell me about yourself..." I say turning my head to look at him. "Well..." he started "I am The Great Pirate Captain  Ussop, one of the most fearsome pirate captains that ever lived!" He proudly claimed. I smile, "Well,Great Pirate Captain Ussop, why not tell me a story of your childhood or something?"  His smile falters for a moment, the movements small I almost missed it. "Os," Ussop starts, and I can almost see the gears turning in his head, trying to come up with a neat little story, "... my father once took me on his ship with him, you know the whole "I wanna give my kid the adventure of a lifetime" thing..." as he continues to spin his little web of stories, my smile gets bigger and sleepier looking. My eyelids begin to grow heavy as he started to talk about seeing a huge Whale swimming along side his fathers ship, the more I tried to pay attention the heavier my eyelids got and the more it hurt to open them. "... and that's not even the coolest part, the Whale jumped over the shi......" he continued on way more comfortable than when I first asked him to tell me about himself. As he continued to talk and explain I fell into a deep peaceful sleep.

A/N: OMG IM SO SORRY MY WONDERLINGS FOR NOT UPDATING!! I've just not had very much motivation until I started to actually think and plan wth I was doing with this book a bit, but I'm so glad that @Red_78987 and @nicorobin2317 for trying to kick my ass into gear. But really though, if neither of you had commented on the last chapter I might not have tried so hard to get this one done 💚💚 thank you amazing people so much for that!
Well that's all for me for this chapter! Thank you all for reading this (and tolerating my laziness 😅) and sticking with it! Please let me know if you see any grammar or spelling mistakes (nicely of course) and have a nice day/night/existence!


~The damned swordsman's twin~ sanji x readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang