Part Eleven: A New Point of View

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My eyes shoot open and I see that I'm back in the medical room I've been borrowing. I sigh, but my peace quickly falls away to more panic as i remember what else happened in my dream, so wanting to make sure that it was only a dream i sit up, fighting the pain it caused me to do so, I rip the sheets covering my legs and my topless torso to see that i was in fact not bulging with a child growing inside of me. Seeing that my stomach was still toned and covered in bandages I let out the breath i hadn't known I was holding in and fell back onto the bed with a groan. "What the hell was that? and why does it keep happening?" I ask the air around me, not really expecting an answer, but still a bit upset when a moment passed with nothing explaining my dreams. I look strait up at the ceiling, 'I don't wanna sleep anymore....'


  I stare at the ceiling more, way to afraid of what'll happen if I slip into another spout of sleep. 'What are those dreams?' I lightly tap my fingers rhythmically against my thumb, starting with my index finger tapping twice and moving onto the next one until I get to my pinky then I start the whole process again. (I actually do this when I'm nervous bird or just need to calm down, so that's why it's so specific lol) It's a nervous tick I picked up when I was younger that surfaces sometimes. 'They can't be premonitions can they?' The tapping continues 'Who is he? I mean he is rather atra-' right before I could finish that thought, the door opens.

Sanji P.O.V.

      Gentle light fans across my face warming an odd square, there's a soft blanket draped around me and an equally as soft pillow under my head. Feeling comfortable and safe I let out a content sigh through my nose. I feel the bed shift and my eyes open, startled. I sit up rather fast and look over to see a woman with short green hair and three gold earrings on her exposed ear. Her eyes are lightly closed and her lips are parted and little breaths escape. I look down a little and see that the top of the blanket is showing the top of her chest. I feel a bit of blood begin to trickle down my nose and I silently panic, turning away and trying to stop it. As I'm faced the other way I feel arm rap around my neck and a bare chest press against my back, marking my nose bleed even more.

       "You still can't get that under control?" A tired voice says in my ear, (reader's a flirt and maybe a tease lol)  I shiver and stand up and back myself away from her. She looks at me in concern, "Hey what's wrong? I didn't mean to be mean....." she raps the blankets around her and walks over to me.

       I shuffle away more and point a finger at her, "Listen here, your a very pretty lady, but what are you doing here and who are you?!?!"  She pauses for a moment and then continues on her path to me.

       "Honey, are you ok? Are you sick? Did Zoro smack you again? If he did how hard and..." she continues on placing her hand on my forehead and her words fade into background noise.


I sit up and gasp for air aggressively. After a few deep breaths, and a slowing of my heartbeat, I place my head in my hands. 'What the hell? That's the second time this week that I've had this dream! What's going on?!' I rub my eyes and think about what I just witnessed in my dream.

     I here the ruckus of the other chefs beginning their days and start my morning routine, the scenes of my most recent dream playing in my head. 'It's everything I've ever wanted.... is it just a fantasy or....... is it a.... premonition?' With that notion coming into play, I shake my head and get started for the day with one thought consistent, 'who are you mystery lady?'

A/n: ok so sorry for the long times between posting but, school, mental health, and all that shiz is a biatch and I just wanted to deal with that for a while so I was in a better mindset and a break in the homework tirade to wright more. But as you can tell I'm posting so life is 'eh' right now so figured "why the hell not weighting makes me feel better!" And so I did.
Anyway just give me feedback, vote and all that jazz

Love you all

Wonderlandathart 💚🖤

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