chapter six: Fighting the Chop Chop Devilfruit Clown?

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(I'm really sorry how long it took for me to update but here you go! I'm warning you now that this is not acupuncture at all..... anyway enjoy 😉)

  "Here we go again...." I say to no one in particular knowing that it's going to be another long day.. or week... or however long this is going to take...... 

your p.o.v.

The next thing I know is that zoro and I are running towards where we think the enemy pirates are. Well it turns out we where running the complete opposite way...... but anyway we where running at full speed towards where we thought our captain was being held, to save him from surly being killed. When we finely stopped running we where on the other side of the island. I sigh in frustration and look over to Zoro and see him scratching his head in confusion. I look from Zoro to the place around us. "We're lost aren't we?" I asked him in an accusing voice witch causes him to look down at the ground in embarrassment. "I'll take that as a yes then...." I sigh out knowing that were are not going t find our way out very easily. "What are we going to do now??"

Zoro looks over at me and just shrugs. "How am I supposed to know?" He asks with the most exasperated voice I've heard in a while.

"Well i don't know.... maybe because you uhhh got us lost in the first place!!" I retort with sarcasm heavily dripping from my voice. Zoro looks over to me with a frustrated look on his face.

"Look your no saint when it comes to directions ether you know!" He says getting all up in  my face, pushing his forehead against mine. I push back with the same amount of force he's using against me.

"At least I haven't gotten us lost when our funking captain is being held against his will by other cut throat pirates you dumb-ass!!!" I spit in his face. That seemed to knock some sense into both of us as we back away from each other. We both nod our heads in respect and and as an apaloigie for both of our little out bursts of aggregation towards each other and start to run the way we came to try and save our caption.

Let me just get this strait, when a friend/team member is in trouble I have a better sense of direction, not so much him though.......... yeah not at all. Anyway, lets get back on track,  we ran back to the village, well it was more like me dragging him all the way there with some not nice words thrown at me, to witch I made sure I "accidentally" hit him with a tree, witch inevitably led to more not so nice words. After the whole tree fiasco we finally made it to the village. "Finally, we made it." Zoro says as he gingerly rubes the growing bumps on his head. "And i know you did that on purpose....." He mumbles under hi breath.

"Did what, bro? I have no idea what you talking about..." I say with a fake inacent smile.

Getting irritated he moved his face closer to mine saying, "You know damn well what I'm talking about you damn asshole."

I look the other direction and start walking away from a sure to be conflict. "Whatever... lets go save our captain now......" I pause and mumble the last of what I was saying. "you fucking leaf..." As soon as the words left my mouth I begin to run.

"What you call me, grass head?!?!?!" You see the insults make him way more pissed than me. I really don't give a damn what people think or say about me. I guess you could say I have the thicker skin of the two of us.

Anyway, as I was running away from Zoro I made it to the town again. I stop running and fist pump at the fact that I found it and not the idiot chasing me, my celebrating was cut short at the sound of a cannon going off. I look over at Zoro and sprint to the center of town where it looks like the smoke trail is coming from. When I got to where the smoke trail ended, I saw the red headed girl by a cannon and.... was that.... no it can't be..... or is it. I saw Luffy..... in a cage.... and the cannon, that the red headed woman was about to shoot off again, was facing at the cage....

"We gotta do something...." I whisper to Zoro. He hums in response and thats when we began to climb the building. Half way up we began to hear some of their conversation.

"Now if I do this, I'll be a part of your crew, correct?" A feminine voice asks.

"Yes, now show us, the Buggy pirates, what our new woman crew mate can do!" The voice that replied, sounded like a raspy higher pitched male. Worried as to what the thing is the female voice has to do, I quickly  finish scaling the rest of the rest of the wall till I have the ability to look over and see the owners of the voices. As I knew it was the red headed woman, but I had no idea who the hell the guy with the blue hair and red nose was. I look around and spot a few crates. I run behind them and crouch down behind them so I could see better without getting caught. Zoro opts to stay hanging off the side of the roof.

I look over the top of the crates and see that the red haired lady is bringing the lighter to the wick of the cannon. I tense up, my body preparing for flight or flight. As she brings it closer I see all of the, self proclaimed amazing, buggy pirates begin to get antsy. Apparently I wasn't imagining that she was moving supper slow. Finally the flame made contact with the wick, and after a brief moment of delay a giant cannon ball shoots out at the cage.

Me being the idiot that I am, I let out a really lied gasp grasping everyone's attention. They all look over to the stack of boxes I'm hidden behind. I look over to see if Zoro's still on the side of the building only to see him running down the street trying to track where our captain went. I growl at the thought Of him not thinking of me at all.

I see the clown with the big red noes look me up and down, sizing me up, seeing if I would be a threat. Thinking I was nothing but a week little girl just like everyone else does. I see a small smirk grow on his face. I watched him with calculating eyes. "Well it seems we've got ourselves a.... little girl." He says causing everyone on the rooftop to start laughing uncontrollably. I tighten my fist around one of my three swords. "Oh look.... the little girl s getting mad... hahahahahah" the clown bursts out into the most annoying laugh I have ever heard...

Having enough of his b.s. I draw out my sword and point it at him. With my head tilted down so that there was a shadow over my eyes, I say in a low threatening voice, "Do you want me to run you though with my sword?" I look up slightly to see all of the, what you assumed are the underlings, literally shaking in their boots. While I was focusing on all of the lesser pirates I didn't notice a missing part of the clown captain slowly floating behind me. Just as I let a small smirk crawl onto I face his detached hand made a quick strike dragging the dagger it held down my back. I let out a pained gasp as I feel the sharpness of the blade split the skin on my back open. I could feel the warm sticky blood slowly spread through my shirt causing it to stick to me in a very uncomfortable way. "You bastard...." I gasp out trying to catch my breath. ".... that was dirty....... and underhanded..." I slowly fell down onto one knee gritting my teeth against the pain. "Hgggg.." I fall to both of my knees and look up at the red nosed asshole I see his detached hand slowly came into my view.

"That's not the only thing underhanded thing I'm going to do to you...." he trails off in to a fit of laughter. His hand slashes down the front of me. I cough up a mouthful of blood as I see his hand turn slightly so that the end of the dagger is facing me and smacks me in the head causing my vision to go black. As I'm falling and my sight is progressively getting darker I see the clown kneel down beside me, and slowly say, "Don't worry precious.... we won't kill ya or let you die for that matter.... we need you to get what..... we..... want....." Then everything went black.

TO BE CONTINUED......... maybe

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