Chapter Seven: Who Is The Blonde Man?

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(a/n): So I decided to change up the way I'm naming the chapters.... its not really that important but meh I just thought this was cooler than the way I was originally doing them.... so yeah any way, on to the story!!!!!

"That's not the only thing underhanded thing I'm going to do to you...." he trails off in to a fit of laughter. His hand slashes down the front of me. I cough up a mouthful of blood as I see his hand turn slightly so that the end of the dagger is facing me and smacks me in the head causing my vision to go black. As I'm falling and my sight is progressively getting darker I see the clown kneel down beside me, and slowly say, "Don't worry precious.... we won't kill ya or let you die for that matter.... we need you to get what..... we..... want....." Then everything went black.

(Your dream when your unconscious)

The only thing I saw was darkness...... darkness.... until I saw a small sliver of light. Being drawn to the light as if it's pulling me, I walk towards it, and as soon as I reach it I see something I don't quite understand...... I see a man with shimmering, soft looking, blonde hair, sea blue eyes, a slightly crooked grin clenching a cigarette between two rows of perfect, pearly white teeth, a slight amount of light blonde peach fuzz growing on his chin, and a (as the other eye was covered) a unique eyebrow that curled out towards the sky and came back to make a bit a mod a swirling pattern. Looking at his out fit I see that he's wareing a black suit coat over a nice light blue shirt with a darker blue tie, black dress-pants and shoes. I look back up to his eyes and my curiosity gets the best of me, I walk closer to him and lift my hand and try to touch his face. As I do he closes his eyes and disappears into nothing but mist.......

I shot my eyes open and try to shoot up from where I lay on...... something soft? I look around and see that I'm on a cot in a room, and the last place I remember being was a roof.... surrounded by blood thirsty pirates. I do a quick sweep of the room again only to see a green color in the chair next to my bed. Pain closer inspection I see that it's my brother, Zoro. I feel some small trees week up in my eyes, not only because of the pain I feel from my wounds, but at the fact that because Zoro has no shirt on I can just tell that he got hurt as well. I lick my chaps lips preparing to open my mouth and say something to get my brothers attention when I feel a slight sifting from where Zoro was. I look down and see him sit up, rubbing the sleep from one of his eyes. When his eyes meet mine, I see the slight moment of pause his still waking up brain takes before he opens his eyes really wide and hugs me, not worrying nor caring about the pain caused by the, what I can now tell is a stab wound, he brings my head to his chest and says "I don't know what I would do if I lost you......" (I know he might sound a little OOC but that's because your his only, not really sure, family he has left/with him and he doesn't want to lose you, so Suck It...... jkjk I love you all 😘.... don't hate me.....)

ignoring the pain in both you back and front you hug him back and say in a comforting (though slightly chapped) voice, "It's going to take a lot more than that to get rid of me, you damn leaf..." you both start to chuckle at that statement and brake apart from each other. "So what happened?" You ask refuting to the bandage rapped around his torso.

"Well you see....." And he explain everything to you. How he realized that you weren't with him Luffy and the orange haired lady, Nami, how he got them to go back to the building and try and help you, how he got in a fight, which was the cause of his injury, how luffs fraught Buggy the clown and finally how they all won and saved you and all of the villagers/citizens of the island from the evil pirate reign. "That's about it.." he said, going back to his less emotionally open state knowing it will be a long time before you get hurt again.

"Well I certainly missed a lot, didn't I?" You say with a slight chuckle.

"Yeah ya did." Zoro says chuckling as well. "And when you feel better we're going to set out again.."

I nod my head in understanding, getting lost in my thoughts as suddenly the images of the blonde man flashes through my head. While deep in thought I ended up staring at the white, slightly blood soaked bandages covering my soon to be narghled ugly scars on my "delicate" body. As more images of the mister man flash through my head, questions like 'who is he?' 'Where is he?' And 'what was her doing in my dream?' Fill my skull. I feel a squeeze from slightly larger hand rapped around my own. Zoro shoots me a look that asks, 'Are you alright?' I give him a slight smile, answering his silent question "I have to go check on Luffy and the food supplies.... I'll let you get dressed and rest and I'll come back for you so we can leave.... ok?" He asks, making sure I'm ok with the plan. I give him a smile and a nod in reply to witch he smiles back and exits the room thing I'm in to go do what he has to do.

I sit for a moment almost geltting lost backing my thoughts of the mystery man in my dream, but before I could get caught up to much in my thoughts I shake my head and get out of the bed, slightly cringing against the pain as I do so. I see that my swords, belt and shirt (I was still wearing my pants) where in a pile on the nightstand by the bed I was lying in. I put on the new shirt (cause the other one had holes and was most likely drenched in blood) then strap me swords and belt back onto my waist, then finally tie my green bandanna, much like my brother's, around my right arm. After I was all dressed and well presentable. I slowly limped out the door and into the the vacant street looking for the imbeciles that I call crew mates. When I finally found them they where at the docks, loading food and other bags onto the dingy we arrived in and another lightly larger boat by it. I tilted my head to the side in a questioning manner until I see the orange haired woman, who's name I think is Nami, walk out of the little room on the boat that wasn't ours. 'It looks like Luffy somehow got her to agree to join us......' I thank as I see her smile and open her mouth to say something to me when a boy, Luffy, jumps in front of my face and hugs me around my neck, applying pressure in all of the wrong places. I cringe and double over in pain causing Luffy to let go and Zoro to run up and help me onto the dingy. As soon as I was safe on the boat, sororities walked over to Luffy and smacked him in the head. "Owwwwwww what was that for Zoro?!?!" Luffy asks rubbing the forming bump on his head.

"That's what you get for being a dumbass......." Zoro says as he walks over and grabs the last, and smallest bag of food and sake rations taking it with him on the boat. He took out two bottles of sake, and handed me one which I gratefully took. As I was sitting there drinking the sweet alcoholic beverage, I couldn't get the man from my dream out of my mind. I ended spacing out so much that I didn't notice hat we had set sail and left all of the treasure. That didn't really mean anything to me so I just watched the villagers celebrate their freedom. As Nami yelled at Luffy I tube out again, with only one thought on my mind...... 'Who is the man in my dream? And why can't I get him out of my mind???"    

TO BE CONTINUED....... maybe......

(A/n): hey guys sorry it took me a while to update again but better late than never.... am I right? Lol 😂 well anyway the updates will probably start to get a lot slower ( because of school and shit but I promise when I hat all day shit in order I'll do what I can) as soon as I hit the Arlington park ark cause that's about as far as I made it, so yeah be patient and just know that I will eventually get shit up and shit..... anyway, love you all and thanks for all of your support and love!

See you all next chapter~!

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