When one adventure ends another begins

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(A/n) I'm sorry for not updating as often as I feel I should but, you know the struggle of fighting procrastination and overall laziness... but I hope this chapter will make up for that... hopefully. Anyway, enjoy 😊

I lean back in my chair as I finish the last of my meal. "Ahh~ I forgot how good food was~" I sigh in delight. I look over as our new captain continues to gorge himself with a giant mountain of food and I nearly fall out of my chair.

Your p.o.v.

"How the hell is that even possible?!?" I ask in total shock.

"Wud doooo fuo mean?" Luffy asks with his cheeks puffed out by all of the food carelessly jammed in the elastic mans face. I look over to Zoro to see him with a 'don't question it' face. I wake my hand as a way to dismiss the thought.

"Don't worry about it, capt-" my sense is cut off by someone slamming the door open. Luffy, who has just finished consuming the gigantic pile of meat that was previously set before him, Coby, Zoro and look to the door. The sight that greeted us was a gathering of Marines.

"We thank you for all that you have done to help us... but you are pirates... and well..." before the man can finish his thought Zoro Luffy and I stand up and head to the door while Coby just stood by the table we previously inhabited. The Marine that had thanked us and discreetly asked us to leave turned from watching us walk out the door to look back at our pink haired friend with a questioning look on his hat shaded face. "Aren't you going to go with them? Your part of their crew... right?" Poor Coby stood there without a clue on what he should do. (I can't remember exactly what happened, but I'm going to get as close as I can) out of the blue Luffy starts telling the man that asks Coby if he was part of our crew how he was Alvidas (can't spell) cabin boy. That must not have bean good because Coby runs up to Luffy and punches him right in his face. Luffy smirks against his hand. I instantly understood what he was doing at that point. In one swift motion Luffy pulls his arm back and sends it flying towards Coby's face. The volition sends him flying to the ground, where Luffy starts to send some more punches his way. Zoro and I quickly swing into action and stop Luffy from beating the poor boy senseless.

With that final act of piracy, we where told to leave and never come back. After making our selves at home on the little dingy with plenty of rations of food, water and alcohol) off to find more trouble and adventure. As I start to dose off I hear Coby saying goodbye I crack my eye open and glance towards the shore seeing all of the Marines saluting us. I faintly hear the new commander(?) of the base lightly scold his men saying that 'as punishment for saluting pirates they would not eat dinner for a week' getting a military stile 'YES SIR!' back as response.

'Well I'm guessing life with this new moronic captain of ours won't be as borek get as I thought...' I think to myself as I look over at Zoro who has the same look as me on. He gives me a small smirk that I instantly return before he leans back and closes his eyes. I lean back as well and ass I close my eyes to take another nap I ask myself one last question. 'What does the future hold for us now?' With that thought rattling around in my head I drifted off into unconsciousness.

(A/n) well that's it for this chapter me wonderlings, see you in the next one~

With love,

~The damned swordsman's twin~ sanji x readerWhere stories live. Discover now