I've Seen All Good People

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This story will feature:
The Following Morning...

I roll the covers to my little twin-sized bed over my head, and it always is a little chilly when I first wake up. However, I am awoken by Ian blasting into my bedroom, flute in hand.

"Good morning, sunshine!" he declares, "This is the morning of the arrival, better get up now," and he throws a pair of shoes at me, "And get to work!"

I finally lift my head from the pillow, "How long have you been up?"

"Oh, about four hours or so," he replies.

"Crap! What time is it right now?" Goodness, I hope I didn't sleep in!

"It's seven in the morning, little friend," he starts out the door, "Now, chop chop!" As Ian leaves, he starts playing his flute, again....

I get out of the bed, and put on my jeans and shirt, and the pair of shoes Ian threw at me. I brush through my long hair, and decide I finally look presentable. However, it really is no wonder I'm single when I feel so unattractive.

I go into the kitchen to fix myself some breakfast, but a sweet female voice says, "Good morning, Jon!" ah, yes. It's Sara, our cook. Thank goodness she was the first one here. "For breakfast this morning we will be having eggs, potatoes, and toast! Now, go sit with the others!"

Others? Plural?

"Hey, Jon!" Hannah says. Goodness, she's here too! "My friend Lily and I decided to get here early in hopes of getting some of Sara's famous potatoes!" The two girls giggle to each other, and then start talking about Led Zeppelin or something.

I sit down awkwardly next to Lily, and she smiles at me, and then resumes talking to Hannah, however, Lily eventually says, "Hannah, perhaps we should engage Jon in our conversation, eh?"

"Oh course!" and Hannah smiles.

Sara sasses, "Can I join in?" Wow, that reminds me of a certain petty girl I remember meeting once...

She has something special about her though, Sara. She is absolutely gorgeous to me, and clearly she is quite talented at cooking and baking. I wish I could get a girl like her to love me. You know, why not? All I have to do is talk to her! Girls love confidence.

We laugh and talk about music. Ian starts, "So, have you heard the new album from Renaissance?"

"Oh, yes," Lily replies, "It's quite good!" Finally, Sara brings us our food, and I smile at her, and then my plate full of tasty food.

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