Still...You Turn Me On

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A Few Hours Later....

"Okay, men!" Ian calls out to all of the campers, "We have agreed to the engagement for tea over at the residence of Rod Stewart and company. Therefore, we shall attend to it!"

Ringo comes out from the lake, sock in hand, "So, I was wondering if it would be okay if I attended?" His big smile and bright eyes are impossible to resist, no matter who you are...

"Of course, Ringo!" I respond.

Sara comes out from the kitchen, "I have plenty of cookies, cakes, cupcakes, and the like all prepared for the tea!"

I look up in a tree, and see David Byrne of all people hanging upside down like a monkey, "Heyya, Twitch!" I say to him.

"Hello," he responds super plainly. "I'd like to go to the tea with you, but unfortunately I'm just hanging around with Stu Mackenzie."

"Hi," the long-tongued man says, "I'm Stu."

"Um, okay," I respond, laughing a bit. "So, I guess neither of yo guys will be attending tea, then?"

They respond in unison, "Nope!" and then they roll back up into the tree. I hear some rustling, and just decide to ignore it. Ian comes over from behind me, and silently he continues on, bearing nothing but a flute. Oh, and his clothing.....

Why does he need to bring his flute to everything?

"So, are we all heading over?" Katherine asks. She recently married Brian May. I'm so happy for the both of them!

I cough anxiously and then respond, "Yes, yes it is!"

Jimmy Page and Lee start over, and Jimmy cries, "Ugh! Why do I have to be here?!" Lee mumbles something to him, but it is completely inaudible. "Dammit, Robert! It was your idea to make us all go," and he shivers, "OUTSIDE!"

Ian whistles a little flute, "Come, my lad! Where's your camp spirit?"

Lee snaps, "Gimme your flute and I'll shove that camp spirit right up your ass!"

Katherine calls from Rod's cabin, "You and Jimmy have each other, as long as you have love, you can always be happy!" Huh, sounds like something I'd say...

Finally, I get over to the cabin, and I see pretty much everyone from my camp all ready there. The only people not packed in is Dylan's group of Campy Assholes. I call to the crowd, "I'm glad we have all gotten over here, and I'd like to say-," just as I start, Bob and the gang all come in.

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