
76 8 155

Still writing that eulogy, lol.

You guys realize I'm never going to stop doing this crap up here, right?
"So, how was the hiking trip for you guys?" Elisa asks sweetly.

"Oh, it was pretty great!" I fake.

Sara bursts out laughing, "You are kidding, right? Oh, God! It was terrible. If it weren't for that one Klaus guy, we'd be screwed! Also, we got chased by a pregnant bear. It was so scary."

"How did you know the bear was pregnant, though?" Carl asks.

"Because-," Sara answers, "Because the bear went into labor. It was so wild. Anyways, Tom wanted to watch the bear give birth."

"What the heck, Tom?" Elisa laughs, "That's, um interesting to say the least."

"I'd ignore it, anyhow," Sara shrugs, I'm nearly certain that Tom is quite high right now. As is Bob Dylan, though."

Carl and Elisa say in unison, "But, Bob is ALWAYS high!"

"Fair point," Sara replies, bursting out laughing. I can't help but feel disturbed, myself.

I didn't think all of my friends liked drugs so much.

Or sex either, for that matter.

Oh, my poor, poor innocence.

Fortunately, we get back to camp soon enough, and Carl takes it upon himself to lovingly carry me up to my bed. I'm not sure what happened after that- I pretty much crashed right after all of that happened.
Noon, the Following Day.

I am awakened by the sound, or smell rather of lunch cooking. I go out, and it appears that Gina has reassembled her cooking club, yay!

"Good morning, Jonny boy!" she beams sweetly to me, "Just sit down here next to Mick and wait up a little for breakfast, alrighty?"

"Oh, okay," I sit a couple seats away from Mick, not really wanting to sit right next to him.

"Come on," he chuckles, "I don't bite, I'm not poisonous!" Oh, no...

I end up moving a little closer to Mick, not wanting to set him off. He smiles and nods, it appears I have appeased him.

"So, guys, what's for lunch!" I ask.

"Oh, we are sharing a variety of soup, wraps, and salad. We are still prepping it all up, though," Gina says.

"A lot of effort is being put into it, so you better bloody well appreciate it!" Rick says to me, ever so, um, Rick Wakeman-like.

He's an interesting bird, but I like him.

"Oh, I do appreciate it! I reply with a chuckle, "So, when did you all get back last night?"

"Uh, I think we all got back last night at about three," Rick says, his back turned toward me.

"What happened last night? Anything interesting?" I ask, now feeling ready to hear about whatever craziness might have happened.

Rick says, "Nothing much, everyone went back to their cabins and crashed, except for Ian and Grace. Those two went off in the trees together. Oh, right, and I got Lily to finally do that belly dance for me she'd been joking about. It was definitely worth it."

"WAIT seriously?" I gasp.

Lily rolls her eyes and answers, "Yeah, seriously."

Rick turns toward me, and I see he has a horrid black eye. "How the hell did you get that?" Good Lord, excuse my French...

"Remember that dance? Yeah, well, as soon as Keith found out I made his girlfriend do that, he said something along the lines of 'I could give a fuck that we are good friends, you fucking earned this,' and that's how I got this."

There is a collective, "Owwww," from everyone in the room.

"Anyways, the two of us went out for drinks afterward at Bob's Bar, and all is clear now," Rick says. "So, did anyone else have any fun things happen?"

Roger Waters replies with a smirk, "If you call that fun, then a kick in the pants must be like a fucking amusement park ride."

Jane sasses through heavy laughter, "Oh, come on, Roger, be appropriate!"

Roger snaps, "Janie, this whole trip you've been criticizing my every word! When is it going to occur to you how much of a bloody hypocrite you sound like?"

Jane just keeps on laughing, "I know!" still laughing, "And that's the best part! I was wondering when you were finally going to crack."

"Wha?" Roger gasps, mouth agape, "So, you've just been pushing my buttons this whole time?"

"Yep," she chuckles, "Pretty much."

Roger looks like he's about to say something, stops himself, and then continues with, "Well played, Jane, well played."

"Literally, most everyone went to bed, though," Sara says with a shrug, "You know, except for Rick and Keith, those two were drinking much of the night."

Judy comes in through the door, lamp in hand, "Yeah, it was hilarious. Bob just kept filling them up at his bar."

"Oh, wow, Bob," I chuckle, "Um, where's Keith, then?"

Lily sighs, "He's passed out. Tom took it upon himself to watch him, bless his soul."

"Why aren't you with him, though?" I ask a little too plainly.

"Oh, he's mad at me, I think," Lily huffs, "Apparently I'm the reason he's hungover, because without me, he wouldn't have punched Rick,and the two of them wouldn't have made up with booze. Apparently his hungover mind doesn't comprehend the fact he probably would have done that with or without me."

"Oh, sorry about that," I say awkwardly, "He's alright, though, correct?"

Kay pipes in, "That's what Tom says."

"Oh, yes, of course trust the guy that has been in a weed induced haze this whole trip," Roger says.

Jane looks like she's about to say something, but just ends up laughing.

"Seriously though," Kay adds, "Tom knows what he's talking about with these things. We can trust him."

"Ah, that's nice," Elisa says, "What a nice Tom."

"Yes, he is a good Tom," Kay nods her head.

"God save the Tom," Lily says.

Ian comes in through the ceiling, "Today! Archery! Be there! Outside! Goodbye! Must set up! Peace out!" and with that, he jumps out the window and gets to work, with, uh, something.... Grace runs right out behind him, and then the two of the proceed to start working outside.

Hm, I wonder what's going on there....

I'm guessing there was some sort of conversation between Ian and Grace. Definitely conversation.

"What was that?" Elisa asks.

"Oh, I think we just had our Camp day planned out for us, yet again," Makaila says, pulling out an ice pack, clearly a little upset.

"Well, at least we don't have to go out camping again!" Judy declares, "No more of that damn hiking, even if I did get cute shoes out of it."

"Darn," Stephanie says, "I kind of liked the hiking."

"HOW?" Judy squeaks.

"It was a fun, new location for my conga lines," he answers plainly.

"Well, that's nice for you, I guess, but lots of us don't like camping!" Judy snaps.

I say desperately, "G-guys, it doesn't matter now anyways! Right now, all we have to worry about is archery."

"Actually, I still have to check on Keith, so don't mind me," and Lily jumps out the window.

"Aw, well, let's go shoot some arrows, people!" Chris Squire shouts out, "This is going to be fun!"

Sure, Chris. Sure.

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