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How do I pick one person to send off to the Devil's Triangle? I think as I walk back with Sara, Roger, Megan, and Keith. I almost feel like crying, I'm not equipped for these decisions.

"Come on, Jon!" Sara cries as we near the camp. "We don't want the other people worrying about us."

I run a little faster, "I'm moving- I'm moving!" I cry out to her. Finally, we approach the camp, and a bunch of people come running up to us.

Lily asks, "So, did Brian give you any sort of trouble for this?"

Sara replies, "In a sense, yes. We have to release one person from our ranks into the Devil's Triangle."

Grace writhes over to us, "Did someone say Triangle?! I volunteer to join the triangle!"

Stu cries, "NOOO! You can't join them!"

Grace says, "Well, my plant husband is in there, so it already makes sense."

Judy stands on a table, "Okay, you punks. I have the perfect solution. We hand them Mick. Who's with me?"

Then, everyone just raises their hands, and Elisa stands up on the table with Judy, "It's settled then- Mick joins the triangle."

Mick cries out, "Gina!! Please defend me!"'

Gina sasses, "Darling, it's fine. They won't hurt you, they just want to hurt Keith. So, if you act like lazy like Robert, then you won't have to be involved with anything dangerous."

Judy squeals, "Oh, come on! Don't be lazy like Robert- get in the dangerous situations!"

Mick scoffs, "No, I WILL be lazy like Robert!"

Anyways, we continue on through the day, and considering nothing else was planned earlier, we all disperse and do whatever. I make my rounds, observing what everyone else is doing. (No, it is not stalking!)

First, I come across a young man with longish blonde hair approaching the camp. I come up to the man and ask, "Um, sir, who are you?"

He begins in a thick Florida accent, "Oh, I'm Thomas Earl Petty, but my friends just call me Tom. I was just out looking for a restroom."

Camp Andersonحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن