The Ravine

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The Following Morning...

"Rise and shine, sunny!" whoa, that is not the normal voice of Ian... That's the voice of Sara! Is she my new alarm clock? I'd much rather have her... "Potato pancakes will be ready in just a second!" Yep, that's definitely Sara!

I roll out of bed, and I head into the kitchen, well, I out on some pants first, of course. "Good morning, everyone!" I call out cheerfully. Ah, it's a good day to be alive! "Say, where's Lily!"

Hannah laughs and responds, "Well, she did go back with the boys from ELP last night, and somehow I have a feeling we won't be seeing much of her in the mornings anymore." She takes a sip of some tea and continues, "Anyways, she and I planned out that we would go down to the water and we would all go canoeing!"

I sit down for a moment, "Ooo, that sounds magical!"

Ian hugs me, "Jon, you think everything is magical!"

"That's because everything is magical! Life is good, we are all connected, and I love Mother Earth!" I smile as I pour myself some tea.

Stephanie barges into our cabin, Bev Bevan right behind her, "Were you smoking the funky mushrooms with Robert Fripp or something?"

I laugh, "Absolutely not! I would never!"

Sara hands me some potato pancakes, "Be warned, dear. Robert was smoking some psychedelic mushrooms with Brian Eno, so neither of them is even close to a good state of mind. Actually, if I had to guess, Brian might try to hurt one of the guys here. He's still really pissed about last night."

Hannah says, "By hurt one of the guys I think Sara means kick Keith Emerson so hard in the pants he flies to Timbuktu." She elegantly takes a sip of tea. Ian, Bev, and I all cringe very, very, hard.... I don't want to imagine being kicked that hard... In that place...

Sara sets a plate of potato pancakes in front of me, and then I dig in. "Should we keep an eye on the both of them or something?"

"Eh," Judy says from outside my window, "it would be more fun to watch them fight." She leans on her lamp, surveying the morning campsite. "Anyways, enjoy your potatoes. I know I wouldn't." Right beside Judy, Elisa and Steve Winwood are clearly flirting with one another. Oh, I'd love to see the both of them get together!

"GOOD MORNING CAMPERS!!!" Keith Moon shouts to awaken the camp. I hear a loud moan from the Led Zeppelin cabin, as apparently princess Jimmy has been awakened.

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