Fire at Midnight

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So, we all sit back, awaiting the return of the Lizard Wizard Clan... Frankly, it doesn't feel like it's ever going to come! However, in a sort of interruption of our vigil, Keith Richards again appears from the trees, "Alright, you sorry fuckers! Let's all have a drink!"

"That really doesn't help!" Gina snaps. She huffs and then sits back down on a tree stump.

Keith starts walking around the campfire, rounding all of the campers. "Hehe, my dear, I would say it would, in fact." Then, he stops in front of Emerson. "Well, Keith, how about it? Try some of this?" Richards pulls out a bottle of cognac, and Emerson jet rolls his eyes.

Lily stands right up next to Keith Richards, "Tell me, Keith, why are you so specific? Here, let me have some of that..."

Keith Richards shouts out, "NOOO!" But, before he could stop her, she already took a fairly large amount from the bottle, passing out almost immediately.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?" Keith Emerson shouts at Keith Richards.

"Um, it was a very, very weak sedative... She wasn't supposed to get it, though! You were! My job was to kidnap you for Brian," Keith gets down, and I come over to investigate.

"What do we do?" I ask. Oh, no! I can't handle this! "Do we need a doctor or something?" Great, Keith Emerson is too far gone in panic mode; now we're both panicking.

Out of no where, Ian comes out, "I AM A DOCTOR!!"

Carl shouts out, "I AM A VEGAN!!"

"That is so useless right now, Carl!" Keith shouts, but soon enough, Lily revives, cracking up at Carl's comment.

"Hey, Carl's veganism just saved Lily... maybe!" Stephanie squeals. "Three cheers for Carl!" It almost seems like she is about to start a conga line, but fortunately Carl gives her a sweet little hug to stop her from starting any funny business.

"Hmm, not so useless now, am I?" Carl sasses. He walks back over to David Gilmour, and the two of them hug.

"Well, not everyone thinks you are useless, Carl!" Jane says.

Now that is resolved, Keith Richards stutters, "Um, I'll just be on my way, then."

Elisa snaps, "And to think! Steve and I acted so civil to you earlier, and this is the thanks we get?! You've been working for the enemy all along?"

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