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Nakahara Orianna may not be able to sing as greatly as his father, or neither live up to where she was named after, but heck you can never beat her when it comes to hacking and multitasking. Having to practice how to be ambidextrous can make her type her research paper on one hand and use the other to scroll down along her sources.

But even with such tremendous talent bestowed upon her own will, no one would really want to date such a hacker. Considering that she can just hack her partner's social media accounts with ease, no man's privacy within her reach would be kept hidden.

'All beauty but no brain'? Men are just blind.

These information below came from what the investigators have gathered on a one-on-one interview with one of the victims, Nakahara Chuuya, poet, singer and songwriter.

"Is this the reason why dad likes to go home drunk?" Orianna said to herself, paraphrasing her gathered information on to her own copy of the research.

Suddenly, a sleepy voice came to echo around the room.

"No, dear, I just like alcohol."

Getting a mini heart attack from the sudden appearance of her father at the door, she spun her chair to face him, holding her chest which was terribly pumping so loud out of the thought that maybe she's being haunted.

"You scared me." Orianna said, still panting from the heart attack.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to," her father replied, letting out a small laugh of amusement. "I just happen to check on you until I heard you say that. Why don't you drink some fancy with me sometime~?"

"When I graduate, I promise we will."

Chuuya liked the sound of that. "Well, it's 12:05 now, Ori. Don't forget to sleep."

The girl lifted her phone up, automatically showing her lock screen wallpaper along with the time. Her blue orbs widened like plates upon seeing the time. She has been working on her paper for this long that she forgot that she still has school tomorrow at eight.

"I will sleep in a bit," Orianna smiled, sending a flying kiss towards her father. "Good night dad; I love you~!"

"I love you too." Chuuya gestured his hand like he caught the kiss before closing the door to leave his daughter to her shenanigans.

Spinning her chair back to face the monitor, Orianna continued to gather the information in front of her, revealing a non-verbatim of the one-on-one interview between her father and the investigators.

Investigator 1: Hello, sir. We are the Investigatory Group hired by the government. If you wouldn't mind, we will be conducting a one-on-one interview with you to gather some information about The 0619 Case.

Nakahara: Fire it up.

Investigator 2: As formality, we would like to get your name, age, and occupation? Or basically anything you can say that can be helpful info for the case.

Nakahara: I don't know why that is necessary, but I guess I just have to roll with it, huh? I am Nakahara Chuuya, twenty-two years of age. I am one of the graduates of batch twenty-nine of Yokohama City University. And as you know me, I am already a famous singer!!

Orianna imagined how his father looked like way back then. 'If I am eighteen right now, and dad is forty-two, how long has this been?' she thought in her head. Not having the right mind to do basic Mathematics at this time of the night, she opened one of her drawers. Pulling out a calculator, she subtracted her age from her father's, revealing the number 24 on screen.

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