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Nothing happened. Everyone was back asleep and it was almost sunrise. Dazai was the first one to wake up while everyone else was still dreaming. He turned to his right to check on Nakahara and Sakagami, if they were still alive. To his surprise, he saw the artist cuddled comfortably to the singer, her head buried to his chest while he had his arms over her.

Dazai couldn't help but to get a little pang of jealousy seeing his rival getting all the glory with the goddess. He thought of it probably as an accident that Sakagami might have rolled to his side and that Nakahara unconsciously had put his arms in return.

The businessman thought, now's not the time to fret over such things.

He turned his head to face Akutagawa and Kunikida who stayed faithful and were still tied up to the chair. However, their heads were freely hanging low along with their body weight leaning forward. Blood flows from their heads, Kunikida with a huge slit on his throat, and Akutagawa's chest left wide open.

The killer stroke in their sleep and no one felt its presence.

Out of pure panic, Dazai got out of the cushions to check on the two in hopes that it maybe just his eyes playing tricks on him. His footsteps and the rustling of his coat was loud enough to wake up Nakahara, whom still felt groggy from what happened.

"Dazai, it's too early," Nakahara groggily spoke, still seeing in blurry vision. "What are you doing?"

"A-Akutagawa and Kunikida--" Dazai stuttered, not sure how to put his thoughts to words. The shorter man finally snapped back to Earth, looking at the direction where the businessman was standing in swivet.

Nakahara could not believe what he just saw now. "So, Dazai Osamu, you were the killer all this time?"

"I woke up to this!" Dazai defended himself, not wanting to accept the accuse towards him. Bonus fact that it was coming from the person he hates so much, made him feel like that it should really not be accepted.

A little later, Sakagami woke up to the two of them arguing. She saw the mess who were tied to the chair and immediately thought of the same thing -- that Dazai was the killer. It was entirely possible, for he was known to have a record for being a corrupt businessman during his first years in the business world.

Wearing his gloves back on, Nakahara took the knife from Kunikida's pocket, ready to eliminate the 'true killer' off of their sight. After that, him and Sakagami would have to make the run and tell the police and detectives about the whole thing that had happened.

"I see," Dazai smiled, remembering the sight that he saw the moment he woke up. "Just because you got to cuddle Orianna in her sleep, made you feel confident about running away together, huh? I thought you already had a lover?"

"What does that have to do with anything?" Nakahara retorted, readying his fight stance. "Besides, messed up people should be erased off this world! You wanted to die, right? Won't you feel honored to be killed by the likes of me?"

As they were about to start brawling, a shadow figure appeared to them and making them stare and stop in fear.

Nakahara: A shadow figure appeared in front of us and took Dazai out of the scene before I did. Sakagami and I tried to run to the main door, but she tripped on the stairs and got caught by the killer. Thus, I'm the only one left and I escaped through the window, not caring anymore if I got injured from all those shards.

Reticent | Nakahara Chūya; AU [✔]Where stories live. Discover now