t w e n t y - f i v e | a l t . e n d i n g

280 17 11

*an alternate ending, wherein Sakagami Orianna gets to live, and thus the non-existence of Nakahara Orianna (the daughter of Chuuya throughout the original flow of the story)

ps: this chapter is very lengthy. i mean it 😂 

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No matter how rational a person can be, experience will always be the highest form of trauma; the kind of trauma that can never be fully erased in one's mind as long as the person continues to walk beneath the surface of the Earth.

Although the human race can simply forgive the person who did wrong, as well as to just forget about the whole thing and move on with life, there is never really turning back once the damage is done.

People can forgive other people, but people can sometimes never forget the sequence of events that had happened over the course of their lives.

"I've been fucked... by the killer... oh my God..."

"Hun, please don't make me look like an antagonist here."

Sakagami Orianna, at that point, just wanted to join paradise to end the despair and misery that was taking over her mind and heart. With only the killer's Arsenic-covered knife available within her reach that may grant her her wish for death, thus she grabbed it from him and pointed at her chest.

The lingering pain of the chemical coating around the stainless steel blade continues to pierce through her soft and delicate skin. Due to the spontaneous flow of negative thoughts clouding the artist's mind, Sakagami has become numb of the pain and chose that the Arsenic to proceed to go deep through her flesh.

"And when I thought I chose a better person to let myself be vulnerable to, I guess I was wrong."

These words rang inside of the killer's mind before he snapped back to reality. Nakahara Chuuya, Sakagami's love since college, has done something that cannot be taken back. He was confident that he wouldn't be caught for his actions, but then the last person that he wanted to get busted from... had seen the action for herself.

"Please... please kill me, too. I-I can't accept to stay alive after all of this." Sakagami begged in between her ragged breaths, looking directly at Nakahara who was looking back at her-- his eyes filled with guilt and brokenheartedness.

Not saying a word, Nakahara held the knife once more, pointing the tip of the blade at Sakagami's chest. The blonde-haired girl closed her eyes and gave a weak smile, for she knew that her request would be granted, even if deep inside it still pains her to remember all of what she just saw.

But that's where she thought wrong. Nakahara gripped on to the knife as tight as he could and quickly threw it to the side, far from both of their reach. That alone was enough to make Sakagami shocked, and there wasn't much time until she realized that the short man was already carrying her out of the scene of the crime.

Her calm and collected self already gone, she struggled to get out and slapped the orange-haired shorty as they were running out of Dazai's house. "What are you doing?! Put me down!"

Nakahara stood strong despite how the girl in his arms was moving so much just to get off. He knows well that although he did not continue to kill her, the chemical stained to her skin would be enough to put her in a slow death.

"Yeah, I'll put you down... later at a hospital bed."

He will not accept that she would die; she's not part of the list in the first place.

Reticent | Nakahara Chūya; AU [✔]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora