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Nakahara Orianna is still naive when it comes to love. She wasn't sure what to say or what to react upon hearing those words coming from her own father. A while ago she could have sworn that Chuuya felt really dejected about the fact that he wasn't able to confess his feelings right, and how he was sure that Sakagami just didn't feel the same about him.

And now what was this that he was saying to her? That the cliche possibility of someone liking you but they just chose to stay taciturn about it, has actually happened in reality?

"Is it bad if I keep on asking?" Orianna just couldn't stop being curious about her father's past; it felt all alien to her, and she couldn't accept the fact that she had lived for eighteen years without knowing any of it.

"Yes, but can we get to the place first?" the stoplight indicated green, Chuuya continuing to drive all the way to their destination. Orianna would have to follow for now, afraid that her father may just suddenly kick her out of the car.

There weren't much people yet, but it was almost sundown so varieties of people and age groups were all coming in to that place. It was a famous ice cream parlor known for its unique flavors and different ways on how the dessert will be served to them.

Of course, the people there couldn't help but to notice the fabulous presence of the singer. Bodyguards still continue to do their job to prevent civilians to getting any violent contact with Chuuya, but of course, some would snap a stolen picture of him and brag to the world that they are #blessed to see such a rare chance.

The shop didn't have any secluded places for them to hide, so they would have to go with blending with the other people around. The bodyguards and Chuuya himself had asked politely to just give him and his daughter some space for them to be able to continue their conversation.

Secretly, he just wants his daughter to get over it.

"I hope you keep your word, Ori," Chuuya started the moment that his daughter came back with the orders. "That you will still accept me as your father after I tell you everything."

"I will, don't worry." Orianna assured him, but at the back of her mind, she was thinking if it really was that bad that he was saying such things already.

Taking a small bite from his grapefruit-flavored ice cream helped Chuuya to calm down from all the tension that was building in his whole system. The cold touch of the dessert going down his throat made him feel at ease, but still not enough for the feels not to run around the surface.

"When The 0619 Case happened, I was already in the fixed relationship with your mom," Chuuya went on with the story, his tone was as cold as the ice cream that they were eating at that very moment. "We were already dating for a year; I was twenty-two when all that tragedy happened. And uh--"

The singer stopped midway through his sentence. He was known as a really hyper person who always keeps his head up, windy as some would say, and never the type to show any emotions of grief in public. Orianna thought of the same thing, and yet now she was shocked of the scene in front of her.

Chuuya was looking down, tears falling and landing to the surface of the table.

"Dad, you can stop now if you want," Orianna finally gave up, realizing how heavy it was for him to carry such a burden. She reached her hand out to comfort him. "You don't have to force y--"

Her father grabbed her wrist with his other free hand, standing up from where he was. He had the ice cream cup on one hand and stormed out of the shop, dragging Orianna out of there as well. They went back to the car with the bodyguards following them, just in case civilians from the outside start to approach him.

Reticent | Nakahara Chūya; AU [✔]Where stories live. Discover now