t w e n t y - t w o | 'i d' p t . 1

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According to Sigmund Freud, a philosopher from long ago, the human psyche is divided into three parts; id, ego, and superego. Id is the instinctual part of a person, while the superego serves as the moral conscience. The ego, meaning 'I', is the part that meditates between the desires of the id and the superego.

The id and the superego is what makes you... well, you.

However, what happened during The 0619 Case was a person being fully dominated by his id. The grudges have build up his mind, forcing his id to whisper to him;

"Kill them all."

E D O G A W A  R A N P O

Edogawa Ranpo, Batch Twenty-nine's valedictorian. He has outsmarted all of the students in the university, getting a rare average of a flat 100, S plus. In world history, barely no one has ever gotten to the point of getting perfect grades written all over their report card. Ranpo was most likely the only one to get that very rare probability.

Everyone in his class admired his wits, but students from other classes greatly envied it. Another thing is, his personality bugs them all out, making them wish that Ranpo never had that kind of brain. People from outside his class would refer him as "all brain but no class."

There was that one person in his class that used to be okay with him, until shit had happened, and it was something that he could never forgive nor forget.

During a session in Math class, Batch Twenty-nine -- also known as the Stray Dogs -- were given a complex word problem before their new topic were discussed to them. Their professor had told them that their previous lessons could be applied, but not entirely.

In addition to that, in order for them to feel motivated to do the challenge, the first student who gets it right will be exempted for the midterm exams. Who wouldn't feel great if they get it right and wouldn't have to study all night just to pass the exams?

They expected that Ranpo would always get it first in just about thirty seconds in time. To their surprise, thirty seconds had passed and he still hasn't shot up his seat to brag about how easy the word problem was. That fact alone made them happy, for they still have the chance to get that exam exemption.

One almost got the answer; one almost got the exemption. When they thought that Ranpo must be having a hard time -- he's not. Ranpo was messing with them. He was waiting for the perfect opportunity that if one of them is already finished, he will steal the spotlight and still get the correct answers.

But he messed with the wrong person.

Y O S A N O  A K I K O

Yosano was the only female in class that Sakagami was friends with; they all knew that for a fact. She was the first person that the artist had approached in class, and mostly likely the only female that she had ever talked to.

Sakagami despised the other females -- Tanizaki Naomi and Lucy Maud Montgomery. The two females mentioned were honestly the first two people who had bullied her during high school because of the bruises she brings to school from all the way home. Yosano would heal these wounds and bruises everyday, however, Sakagami would just get fresh new ones the following day.

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