The Call

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It's Friday night, and I'm settling onto my hotel bed with a fizzy beverage to watch my favorite show: Ghost Adventures. I just came back to your hotel from a much-needed vacation when;

Bzzzzzt, Bzzzzzt

Sounds from my phone on the nightstand.
Puzzled, I look in surprise at the screen-all my friends know that Friday night is Ghost Adventures night'

Who's calling me? 702 area code...

I don't recognize the number, but decide I might as well answer, since there are still ten minutes before the new episode starts.

Zak is calling on the other end from the GAC office in Las Vegas. Letting me know of the next location, the Gorey House in Royalsburg, Kentucky. The airline tickets are emailed to me, look up the address and it's a few hours drive but thankfully the flight would be shorter. I close my phone and stare at the TV screen as one of our reruns was on, making me reminisce over how things have changed now that I have become their newest member.

What most of our fans don't know is I've always believed in ghosts ever since I heard a disembodied male voice when I was six years old, and I've been a fan of Ghost Adventures ever since I watched the guys investigate on the Poveglia Island episode. I kept tabs on the guys' adventures especially after I left home to make my own life and vowed to combat the haunting sorrows of my past experiences. I studied hard to become a film student and when the chance came to compete for a lockdown with Zak, Nick and Aaron in a contest, I took a shot at it and after months of grueling anticipation, they announced my name as the winner and had the privilege of joining them at the Halden Mansion two years ago.

Now I can hear it already, how thousands of fangirls are jealous that I'm in close proximity to Zak on a regular basis, but the truth is my favorite guy on the GAC is Nick-he's always been an inspiration to me. His positive outlook on life to overcome the negativity was a major influence to cope with the Post Traumatic Stress and social anxiety I dealt with after leaving the animosity of my home. I don't share this to bore anyone, it's what I had to do and that's why I'm particularly sensitive to the supernatural. I can sense changes in energy like my body is warning me of imminent danger. So after a devastating dark possession on Nick at the Bartonville Insane Asylum and other personal matters that required my full attention, I had to take a leave of absence for a couple years. Now, I returned to the crew, fully knowledged about video production and a more seasoned paranormal investigator.

I spent the rest of the night searching for information on the location I'll be investigating, the Gorey house-after I watch tonight's new episode, of course about the Return to Linda Vista Hospital. Surprisingly little has been written about the Gorey House; I resolve to find out as much as I can once you get into town. Hearing Zak's voice narrating the show, it reminds me of what I have experienced with them in previous cases and seeing Nick again makes me smile, nostalgic to see an old friend again. As always, as I'm watching it, as the evidence is just compelling on air as it is to actually experience in real time. Of course, most people think we're faking it to get ratings, but that couldn't farther from the truth. What you see is just the highlights of hours and hours of footage we worked so hard to condense into a 44-minute show to leave room for the commercials, which pays for the shows by the way. Any evidence the audience sees and hears is what we got, and we love the experience of knowing people can relate with us.

The episode ends with the usual credits and fades to black-leading to an episode of Bizarre Foods, but I had enough of television after my fill of Ghost Adventures so I clicked the television off.

Bzzzzzt, Bzzzzzt

My phone buzzes once more, this time Nick texted me.

Hey, Aura. How was your vacation?

Typing a reply and clicking Send,

Great, did Zak tell you about the Gorey House? It's our next location.

Yeah, we're going next week. Ready to go back to work?

You bet.

Are we driving you crazy yet? He joked.

No way!! You guys are awesome.

Ha-ha. Good to hear, get some sleep.

Yeah, you too. See you in Kentucky.

Smiling at my phone screen, I still get blush faced whenever I talk with Nick. Always caring about my well-being, just as a good friend always does.

Setting my phone down and do my evening routine, I'm ready for a deep slumber. As I cradle myself in the soft warm bed, I wonder what adventure awaits now.

Ghost Adventures-The Lost Episode: Gorey HouseWhere stories live. Discover now