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The next day, I'm rested and ready to go home, but happy I got to experience some ghostly activity with the Ghost Adventures Crew. Now, the guys are lucky enough to fly back home. Zak and Aaron go to Vegas while Nick heads back to New England to his family. I have to drive all the way back to the Tri State area, but this time it's daytime. As I see the guys walk out of the hotel, I honk and wave goodbye as they follow suit.

The drive wasn't as bad this time, I munched on some trail mix and sip some cranberry juice. Every so often, I vlog the various East Coast landscapes on the highways, basking in the feel of the radiant sun. Rejuvenating every muscle in my body, working nights will do that to you. Finally, after a few hours I hear my GPS say:

"Welcome to New York"

Aah, the Empire State.

I thought to myself as I pass the sign listing the various tourist attractions, but I call it home here. As I pull up to my apartment building, the diverse sounds of cars, people talking and smells of cooked food remind me that I'm home now.

As get inside my apartment and I'm unpacking your luggage, I find an old black-and-white photograph of a man and a woman tucked into my clothes. It looks familiar, but I can't remember where I've seen it, so I set it on my dresser. After I settle back home, my friends plague me with dozens of questions which legally I can't disclose too much information, but armed with tons of photos to show off to my friends.

I know the episode won't air for several months, but will let them know more as I can.

A week later, a giant box of Ghost Adventures swag appears in the mail, along with a note from Nick thanking me once again for my prompt action. The lockdown wasn't what I expected, but I knew that I could handle it. I'm proud that I was part of an investigation that uncovered such significant evidence for the existence of the paranormal. Framing the photo of the four of us outside the Gorey House, I place it beside my lamp and ready for a peaceful sleep.

Ghost Adventures-The Lost Episode: Gorey HouseWhere stories live. Discover now