Lockdown Part 4

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Together, the guys and I head upstairs to the second floor. I watch through my night vision screen as the guys spread out over the landing. Zak and Nick start taunting the ghosts, and even Aaron joins in.

Remembering the pinch I felt when we entered the house, I decide not to draw attention to myself again. I stay close to Aaron, who's hanging back from Nick and Zak. After a few minutes, I feel cold.

"Man, I just got hit with something," Aaron says. "I'm getting chills all over my body, guys!"

"Me, too," I chime in. A loud growl comes from behind me and we both turn around as fast as we can.

"What was that?" I said.

"You heard it too?" Aaron says. "It sounded like some kind of growl!"

"Go check it out, guys!" Nick yells, we look at each other. I hang back as Aaron sticks his head into the room. I have zero interest in becoming ghost kibble right now.

"Whoever just made that growl, can you show yourself?" Aaron says. After a pause, he mutters, "I'm getting a really bad feeling, man."

I get the feeling that someone is sneaking up on me and turn quickly to check behind me.

"Geez," Aaron says. I look at him and he's shifting uncomfortably. "I'm getting this, like, weird tingling feeling in my left hand," he says.

I step into the room, curious and worried. "Here, take my camera for a sec," Aaron says, and I shift to get a good grip on it while keeping my camera pointed at Aaron. He rolls up his sleeve, and then digs a flashlight out of his pocket.

"Whoa, dude—does that look like what I think it looks like?" A reddish crescent has appeared on Aaron's arm.

"Turn your arm over," I tell him, and find a matching reddish mark on the underside of his arm.

"Dude," I whisper. "You got bit by the ghost dog!"

I might not want to tempt fate by taunting ghosts, but I really don't want to tempt fate by acting as if I'm scared—even if I am. Aaron follows as I sweep my camera in front of me, checking the night vision screen for ghost dogs or worse. The room seems to be empty; I decide to leave, but as I'm turning, I feel a hard shove that sends me face-first into the wall.

"What the hell?" I yelp, slamming my camera and grabbing my nose. The guys quickly sprint over to my aid.

"What's wrong?" Zak yells as Nick puts his hand on my shoulder.

"I think I just got shoved," I say, more astonished than scared. Nick turns on a flashlight to check my nose, but it isn't broken, just sore.

"You think it's fun to pick on the living?" I say. "You think it's fun to scare people? Well, I'm not scared! Show yourselves, you cowards!"

Normally, I never provoke the spirits like that. But I'm not going to let anybody make me a victim again. The guys hold still, listening for any responses. But no further responses came through.

The rest of the night isn't quite as exciting either—while we hear a few more odd noises and catch something on our voice recorders, the activity in the house seems to have mostly quieted down after 3am.

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