The Adventure begins...

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The day before I was supposed to catch my flight to the lockdown, I check the weather report. Unseasonable snows have closed the airport I was supposed to fly into, and it might not re-open in time. I'm close enough that if I could drive all night, I would probably get to the lockdown location, although I'd be really tired. Do I cross my fingers and hope my flight's on time, or drive through the night?

I'm not taking even the slightest chance of missing out on this lockdown!

I load up my car with energy drinks and beef jerky and drive through the night. I make great time, and end up arriving in town earlier than I expected, several hours before I would have arrived on the plane.

As I drive through town, I notice a small museum. It might have information about the house where our lockdown will take place.

The museum is a brick one-story building that looks like it could have been a dollar store in another life. The glass doors are dusty, and the inside smells dusty; yellowing fluorescent lights overhead shine down on a few grimy-looking glass cases and a half-dozen tall bookcases. I peer inside; old photographs and tools are displayed, along with faded typed labels.

I'm about to leave, when a young man comes around the corner of one of the glass cases and looks startled to find me. He introduces himself as the volunteer curator, and then asks if he can help me.

"I'm interested in any information you have about the history of the Gorey house," I politely speak.

He scratches his chin. "I don't know much about that place," he admits. "I'll see if there's anything in our collection."

He goes to fetch his laptop, and almost bumps into an old man coming out of the bookcases. The old man ignores the volunteer curator's apology, instead staring at me as he walks to the door. I shiver at the old man's piercing eyes, and are glad when he leaves.

The volunteer curator returns with his laptop, but all he can find are a few articles about the Gorey family that don't sound very interesting.

"I'm sorry," he apologizes. "We're just starting to digitize the old newspapers."

I thank him anyway, and decide to head to the hotel. As I'm walking back to my car, though, the old man from the museum catches my arm.

"What do you want with the old Gorey house?" he demands.

I decide it can't hurt to talk to the old guy.

"I'm supposed to stay there overnight," I tell him then he immediately starts shaking his head.

"What a terrible idea," he says. "Don't you know that place is cursed? You won't make it half the night!"

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Everyone who stays there—dies!"

I wonder if the old man is just being dramatic, and he seems to sense my skepticism.

"You'll see, youngster," he snaps.

"That house was built by devil worshippers! They say the devil himself walks through the place at night, and whenever he sees a soul for snatching, he grabs it!"

I back away slowly, not wanting to be late as the man shakes his fist, telling wilder and wilder stories of what will happen to us, until I get to my car. Once I'm inside, I shake my head and take it with a grain of salt except . . . he really seemed to believe what he was saying. And I've seen what happened to the Ghost Adventures Crew when they tangled with demons.

Do I really want to go on this lockdown?

It weighs on my mind until I grab the jingling oval medal of Saint Michael the Archangel on my keys. If there are sinister forces at work, I have a protector.

Maybe we'll catch decent evidence, something that may not be so malevolent and disprove these hellish rumors.

Pulling up to the hotel, I check in and hear a familiar voice. It's Billy and Jay is on the phone, Billy explains that the GAC were supposed to be here but their flight was delayed until the snowstorm passes so hopefully they'll be there by late tonight. In the meantime, Zak recommended that the three of us go out into town to look for people to interview. I'm game to chill with Billy and Jay and after dropping off my luggage in my hotel room, Billy and Jay hop in a van and head out.

Ghost Adventures-The Lost Episode: Gorey HouseWhere stories live. Discover now