Introducing...the Gorey House

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Gorey House is a turn-of-the-century mansion. It stands at the edge of town, on a rise that overlooks the small river that runs through the town. Peeling white paint flutters in the wind; no trees stand around it. One side of the house is covered in Tyvek wrap, and a pile of old boards sits in the yard.

Standing on the sidewalk, shivering, are a man and a woman wearing fleece jackets. We pull up and introduce ourselves to the couple, which turns out to be the owners of Gorey House. They lead us up the steps and inside.

The house's builder was a wealthy man, we learn, but soon after he finished the house he went insane. From the twenties to the fifties, the house was divided into small rooms and operated as a boarding house for various less-than-reputable people. After a bad fire, the house was abandoned for almost ten years. It's rumored that devil worshippers used the house for rituals in the 1970s and buried bodies in the basement. Another couple bought the house and restored some of the house to its turn-of-the-century glamour in the 1980s, but the couple went missing a year after buying the house, and the house went through several absentee owners before the current owners bought it at a foreclosure sale.

They've tried to renovate, but they've had various unsettling experiences: objects moving overnight, things falling on them, a sense of being watched. While Zak is interviewing the homeowners in the front parlor, we all hear a loud bang coming from the back of the house. Zak and Nick head into the back of the house to investigate, while Aaron stays with the homeowners. Do I follow Nick and Zak, or stay with Aaron?

I follow Zak and Nick and find a board lying on the floor amid disturbed dust. It might have been knocked over, or it might have just fallen. Zak pulls out a digital recorder to do an on-the-spot EVP session and asks the spirit that knocked the board over to introduce itself.
Nothing happens for several minutes; then, just as everyone is looking at each other, ready to leave, a wave of cold settles over the room. I get a definite sense that we're supposed to leave. Do I return to the front parlor or stay to talk to the spirits?

We're not about to run away from the possibility of interacting with a ghost! I decide to add my own questions: "Do you want us to be here?" and "Why are you still here?"

After a few minutes of waiting, Zak replays the tape. Staticky voices seem to answer "no" and "trapped." Nick grabs his shoulder camera to make a rack focus shot, we all agree that there's something here even during the day and head back to check on Aaron.

As Zak, Nick and I poke around, Aaron asks the homeowners if weird noises are common, and they say yes. Aaron asks them why they haven't left, and they say they've sunk too much money into the house. While Aaron is talking, he thought he saw a shadow the size of a cat dart past the doorway. He blinked, not sure if he's seeing things.

"Do you have a cat?" He asked.

The homeowners look at each other, then him, shaking their heads. "No, why?" the wife asks.
"I thought I saw a cat in the doorway there. Are you sure you don't have a cat?"
Before they could answer as we walk back through the hallway, a paint can falls and almost hits him on the head. Everyone comes running at the sound as he shouted. The spilled red paint looks like blood on the floor.

While the guys investigate to see if there's a natural explanation, you heft the paint can. It's heavy enough to have seriously hurt someone. The owners claim that they didn't leave the paint can on the stairs.

Zak and Nick gaze with me in shock.

"We should put an X-camera here," Aaron tells them, and I explain what we saw.

Aaron marks the floor, and I borrow some tape from him to make my own X after explaining what we three found upstairs, once placed we all continue the investigation.
The homeowners show us through the rest of the house. It's a mix of finished and unfinished rooms; in some places, we can see through to the joists, while others look ready for furniture.

The homeowners have seen shadow figures and heard voices in the bedrooms. Zak pokes his head into the attic, where the husband says he heard an unearthly growl. When we return to the first floor, the wife refuses to go in the basement—she says she's been pushed on the steps.
When we descend the steps, I find a packed dirt floor that looks lumpy. The husband points out a series of scratches on one brick wall: he's nicknamed them the devil scratches, and he laughs, but we can tell he doesn't laugh when he's down here alone.

When we step outside again, Zak and Nick reassure the homeowners that they'll do the best they can to find answers to the mystery of Gorey house. After they leave, Zak checks in by phone with Billy and Jay, and asks whether I want to come with them to dinner or go back to the hotel for a nap. It was a long drive to the location, and I am feeling tired. I decide to get some rest so that I can be as sharp as possible when night falls. I fall asleep quickly, but half an hour into my nap, I'm awakened by a loud voice in the hall.

I open the door to tell the guy in the hall to be quiet, but it turns out to be Nick, on the phone. It sounds like trouble. Do I step into the hall and ask Nick what's wrong, or close the door and pretend that nothing's happening?

I step into the hall. Nick turns around at the sound of my door closing.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"I'm fine," Nick says quickly. He doesn't look fine.

"Is there anything wrong?" I ask. Nick shakes his head.

"Nothing," he says, but he's clearly upset. "See you at the lockdown."

He steps into his room and closes the door. I wonder whether or not to tell someone, but ultimately, I don't. He's fine, right?

I close my door quietly and lay down again, but I can't fall asleep. I stare at the dark ceiling and worry about Nick until it's time for the lockdown that next dusk. Gathering my things, I meet the guys in the lobby, pumped and ready to drive out together. We scurry to help them pack up their gear. Soon, we're piling into the van for the ride to Gorey House.

Ghost Adventures-The Lost Episode: Gorey HouseWhere stories live. Discover now