Lockdown Time

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Watching the sun sink toward the horizon, Gorey House looks perfectly spooky in the reddish light of the sunset. I help carry the equipment cases inside, then Jay wires me for sound with a lavaliere microphone and gives me a quick tutorial on camera etiquette. We're about to be locked in a haunted house with the GAC.

I help them spread out to set up the equipment, then wave goodbye to Billy and Jay as the homeowners shut the door and lock us in. While the guys double-check their camera batteries, I feel the hair on my arms standing on end—then a sharp pinch on my side. I yelp just as Billy radios in that my audio has gone dead. There's a red mark where I felt the pinch, and when we check the batteries on my audio pack, they're completely dead—drained. No one else has felt anything. I'm a little unnerved at being the only one targeted.

"Do you want to sit this one out?" Zak asks.

The sun's barely down, and the ghosts are already draining batteries—this is gonna be awesome!

I'm just getting started, no way am I backing out now. I get a new battery pack for my audio and help the guys set up the equipment. Zak calls off the static X cameras to remind the crew of the hotspots.

Finally, the lights go out. The window shades have been closed, and it's very dark inside the house. The tiny night-vision camera screen is barely enough to let us move around, and the darkness around me seems full of menacing shapes. The guys set up an EM pump in the living room and conduct a spirit box session, but don't get anything for 45 minutes.

"I think we should split up," Nick says.

The guys decide that someone should go to the basement where the mysterious scratches were, someone to the attic where the growl was heard, someone to the second floor where mysterious shadow figures were seen and voices heard, and someone should stay in the living room with the EM pump.

I sit down nervously in the living room, which has a couch and a coffee table; it's one of the few rooms in the house that doesn't look too torn up. Thumps and footsteps come from all over the house as the guys spread out. I really wish that I could have stuck close to at least one other person—now that I was alone, the house feels extra creepy.

I pan your night vision camera across the living room, trying to get used to seeing the world in shades of green and black. The LED on the top of the EM pump is the only source of light in the room.

I'm not sensing anything present in the living room, so I decide to go and check out the rest of the first floor. The house is big and old—it has a living room, a parlor with a dusty fireplace, a dining room with faded, torn wallpaper, and a large kitchen at the back of the house. It even has a second set of narrow stairs for the servants who must have once worked in this house. A modern addition leads from the kitchen to a garage. I think I remember someone saying they'd seen something in the garage, but I'm not sure.

I stick to the house—I don't even like my garage at home when it's dark. Here in the kitchen, no drapes or blinds don't cover the large windows, and a half-moon casts grey shadows on the floor. I notice a door that I didn't see during the walkthrough and try to open it. The handle turns and the door opens a fraction of an inch before it sticks.

It's probably just a broom closet and creaking this door could contaminate any audio so I leave it be. I return to the dining room, which is partly covered in wallpaper. The pattern catches my eye, and I get closer. It's an intricate, leafy design—very pretty, although it's in bad shape. Long strips dangle from the walls like tentacles, curling at the ends.
I shake my head, but can't dispel the image I've imagined: as if the walls are reaching out for me with undulating arms.

The wallpaper is definitely getting on my nerves. I return to the living room and amuse myself for a while by using a golf ball to discover the places where the floor isn't level. When the guys return from their investigations on the other floor, I rejoin them.

I climb up the creaky stairs to the second floor with Nick, who helps me pull down the attic stairs. It's dusty in the attic, and I sneeze.

"Do you want a filter mask?" Nick asks. "I think we have one in the equipment cases."

I don't want a sneeze to obscure a great EVP. I head downstairs and find a filter mask easily. I also see a Mel meter, a newer version that I've never used before.

Maybe Nick could show me how to use it?

Grabbing the filter mask and head back upstairs, using my night-vision screen to find my way. I fiddle with the Mel meter as I'm climbing the stairs. It seems even darker in the house than it was before. When I reach the second floor, it starts to alarm. Nick comes out of a room to see what's going on and I ask if I'm using it right.

He looks over my shoulder and says yes except those are some of the highest readings we've ever seen. I head up the stairs.

"Watch your step!" Nick calls after me.

When I get to the top of the steps, I can see what he means through my night vision screen: the attic is filled with piles of junk. I step carefully through the junk until I find a chair that looks ok and sit down. I sit quietly for a few minutes, getting used to the sounds of the room, and start to feel like there's something behind me.

I flip my camera screen around and turn it so that I can see what's behind me. A shadow moves and my heart races, but I shift my camera and realize it's caused by the IR light source. Even though the shadow is explainable, I feel like we're not alone in the attic.
Nick joins me, standing beside you with a rolling digital recorder. We go through the attic, looking at broken chairs, ugly dressers, cardboard boxes.

He asks if anyone is with me, standing in front. After a moment, we hear a knock that sounds like it's coming from the wall.

Nick and I jump. He extends his arm in comfort gesture, assuring me to stay.

"Did you die in this house? One knock for no, two knocks for yes." Nick asked.

After a long, long silence, I hear two knocks.

"Were you murdered?" I asked then turn to Nick, as the energy in the room suddenly turns very dark.

"Do you feel that?" I asked as he nods in agreement.

"Are you evil?"

Nothing happens for several minutes.

"Maybe the knocks were just a coincidence," I spoke softly.

A loud growl comes from behind me and both of us yelp and back away at the same time. A loud BANG, BANG noise comes from one of the bedrooms on the second floor and both of us yell. Nick quickly moves toward the noise. Inside one of the bedrooms, I find a chair lying on its side on the ground. When I try setting it upright and knocking it down, the noise sounds a lot like what we heard before.

"What's going on?" Aaron asks, coming up from the first floor. We tell him about the loud growl that Nick and I heard, and Aaron calls Zak. Together, we all listen to the growl we recorded.

"Nice work." Zak says.

Aaron and Zak go investigate other locations while Nick and I some more since more activity's been happening around us. I asked, "Can you say your name?" while holding a digital recorder.

Nick and I stand quietly, but don't hear anything. The creepy feeling in the hall goes away, and Nick plays back the recorder. I hear my own voice asking "Can you say your name?" and there's a long silence, then I hear a voice that sounds like a woman:

"Lavinia Beardsly."

We play it back a couple more times, then Nick radios Billy to analyze the recording. We stand by his many monitors in the GAC van. Billy cues up the recording and plays it, we hear my voice then the raspy whispery voice.

All agree that they hear a voice, "That's a Class A EVP", Zak says, "definitely, we should look into that name."

"Whoa!" I exclaim. Nick gives me a high five. "That was some wicked activity!" And he smiles at my achievement; I feel a glow of pride.

I'm psyched to see what else this house has to offer...

Ghost Adventures-The Lost Episode: Gorey HouseWhere stories live. Discover now