Interview with S from India

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Avy: So, tell me a little about LGBT in India, and about you of course :)

S: I am from India in a region where I don't know if the LGBT people are accepted openly. I came out to my close friends as a bisexual 2 years ago, but not to my family yet. My friends were very supportive to me and that was the best thing I could ask for:) I haven't come out to any one since probably because of the amount of hate I hear from school kids so frequently. I get so angry sometimes but more at myself for not saying anything because of the fear that maybe I won't be treated the same ever or maybe they won't understand. I think I'm just not brave enough and I guess that's one of the struggles of being closeted.

Avy: I've sort of noted that India is quite conservative when it comes to a lot of things, LGBTQ+ rights included. Do you know if the government is trying to do something positive about it?

S: yeah. True. Uh. I have heard and read that in Mumbai the police have supported the transgenders and provided them with work. I'm not exactly sure what was written but I think it was road safety. I was just so happy after reading that article. Other than that I haven't heard of anything else.

Avy: okay, but it seems that small stories of positive things means a lot then?

S: Yes. It's quite helpful

Avy: Do you think you will ever come out to your family?

S: Just today I was thinking about how terrified I am about doing that. But I don't think I shall be doing that anytime soon.

Avy: We all have to make our choices the best ones we can. :)

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