Nick from Canada

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At the age of ten, I started to question my sexuality. I realized that I didn't really have any interest in the female counterpart, but had an interest in other guys. I didn't know what to do as I didn't think it was normal at that time. I denied myself to myself and to others who grew suspicious. That's when I started reading more scandalous texts through sites like fanfiction and AO3. I found so many couplings that I grew fond of even though they weren't canon.

After a while I grew braver and shared some of my findings with friends, that was a mistake because I then got bullied for reading material that had gay couples. I knew from then that I wasn't like the other guys. It wasn't until I was 12 that I knew what I was. Even then, I denied it because I didn't think it was allowed. I thought I was broken somehow. 

At 13, I continued to read slash fanfiction, and even started writing some. I grew to accept myself in that time and even came out to a few of my closest friends. In the spring after I turned 14, I came out to all the people I talked to, after chasing after a straight guy for a while and accidentally saying something I never should have said to him which brought me out of the closet to him. I felt ashamed at first, but grew to realize it's a hit or miss in society. That August, before going into high school, I came out to everyone.

I'm 17 now and rarely face any problems with unaccepting people, it's a thing of the past in the region of Canada in which I live. 

Nick, @Captain_Wisdom

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