Chapter 11

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6 Months Later

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Sky's POV

                Its been about 6 months sense Jamie had her baby. Dean...dean is still on life support. They are thinking about pulling the plugged on him. Ash is doing great. He such a little cutie. He loves toys and he likes to sleep a lot so we have something in common. He looks so much like Jamie. I am going to protect Ash and Jamie with my life.  Jamie has gotten a job not to long after she got out of the hospital and so did I. She is a waitress and works nights while I well my job is watching Ash. I really have grown to love this boy with all my heart. He is going to grow up to be something all right. I am going to surprise Jamie by taking Ash up to her job during her lunch break. I gave Ash a bath and put on him a little Batman shirt some nice little cute shorts and Batman shoes on. (A/N as you can see i love BatMan) I Put Ash in his car seat and drove up to Jamie's work. 

        It took about 20 minutes for us to get to were Jamie works. I unbuckled Ash and headed inside to find Jamie at the cash register.

"Hey there beautiful!" i said startling her. 

"Oh my goddd! Sky! Ash! Hi baby" She said kissing Ash on his head. 

"No love for me?" i pouted

"Im sorry love." She said then gave me a long kiss. I still can't get over the taste of her beautiful lips. Her eyes looked back at mine as she pulled away. Her eyes are so beautiful. I could get lost into them.  

"Are you on your lunch break yet babe?" I said as she picked up Ash out of my arms. 

"Actually my boss is letting me off early today. She said i can have a vacation week with pay."

"Great! More time for some fun." I gave her a wink and she just smiled and pecked my lips. 

"weeh  Ash needs a change. I will be right back and then i will punch out and we can go back to my place okay?" 


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Later that day

        Skys POV

It was just me and Jamie in the living watching some t.v very quietly making sure not to wake up Ash. She had just gotten him to sleep. Jamie decide to cuddle up in my arms on my lap and fall asleep. She has been tired a lot lately. Well duh because she has work, school, and a baby to take care of.  As a vampire i dont really sleep that much. I really don't need it anymore. I sleep every now and then but not very much. I don't even bother going to school anymore so I spend most of my time hunting and watching Ash. He is just an adorable little thing. I decided to take Jamie up to her room because she looked uncomfortable on my lap the way she was positioned. After that i decided i needed to go hunting. I haven't been in a couple of weeks. I left a note by Jamie and went off into the woods, behind her house.  After a couple hours i came back to her house and checked on Ash who was obliviously still asleep sense that's all he does. And went into Jamie's room and snuggled up close to her and watched her sleep.

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I hope you guys liked this chapter! its just a filler! comment what you thinked of this chapter! heart and follow! It helps! Thank you! Stay Strong and Stay beautiful


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