Chapter 22

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Nick's p.o.v:

I woke up and I saw a guy with green hair cuddling up to me and two girls standing outside of a hospital room. Weird I have no idea who they are. I slightly pushed at the guy sleeping on me to get off but then his head shot up and he smashed his lips onto mine.... I would have pushed him off but it felt oddly nice... Wait no being with a guy is wrong...? Is it... Is he my boyfriend am I gay.... Or is he some guy I just met... I have no idea but I kiss back anyways because I felt a spark when I kissed him. He's lips were warm and soft and tasted like electricity against mine. He pulled away and grinned at me. " I'll go get a doctor you just wait here." He left.. What did that kiss mean.... Are we a couple or something? Just then the two girls from outside came rushing in as soon as that guy left. " Are you ok..? Is there anything you need?" I thought about it for a moment and said " Yeah can you tell me who you are?" "Come on Nick you know who we are..." " No I don't..." Just then the doctor and the guy with green hair entered the room " Hey Zehn can you leave?" He looked confused but left. So that's what his name is so I guess I'm Nick. " Ok look doctor Zehn lost his memory some how." Said one of the two girls. " Well it shouldn't be long before he gets it back so I guess he's free to go.." The girls looked at each other then said " Ok the guy out there's name is Zehn and he's your boyfriend. My name is Jamie and that's Sky. Can you pretend like you have your memory back were close friends so please??" I sighed " Ok..." Jamie grinned and said " Great the wedding is back on!" I freaked out " HEY ME PRETENDING DOSE NOT MEAN I HAVE TO MARRY THAT ZEHN GUY!!!!" They sarted laughing like crazy " No were going to get married but we had to cancel it because you got hurt really bad." I frowned " How?" They sighed " Zehn's ex boyfriend beat you up.." I thought for a minute " Am I gay?" Jamie smirked " No your Bisexual." I put my head in my hands. Then the guy with- I mean Zehn ran into the room and hugged me in till I couldn't breath " I missed you so much Nick don't ever leave me again..." I faked smiled " I won't." He looked up at me with tears in his eyes " Promise?" I fake smiled " Promise." I know I don't know him but I have these weird feelings for him I can't explain. Am I really Bisexual? And how am I going to pretend to this sweet guy that I love him and I would never hurt him...


Hope you liked it and bye Cx

Sky's POV

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3 weeks later.

Nick has been out of the hospital for a couple days now and we rescheduled the wedding for tomorrow. I'm glad he is okay. I don't think Zhen would of been able to live without him if he..died. Anyway right now Jamie is at a hotel with her mom and her bridesmaids get I g ready and getting her beauty sleep. She decided that we were going to do tradition and not see each other until she walked down the aisle. Yeah she said I have to wait for her. Haha that girl. I love her so much. I can't imagine how I went so long without her in my life. She has changed my life in so many ways. I never thought I would be getting Married. Or having a son. Well Ash isn't MY son not biological. He is Jamies'. But I will love him like my own. And now that he is a vampire, after I am done with leading my clan he will step up and take over. But that won't be for a very long time.  I smiled and went to take a shower. Ash is also with Jamie. I am at our apartment alone sense..I don't have parents or family members anymore. I sighed and put on my sweat pants and tank top and drifted off to sleep.

The next Morning-

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Jamie's POV

  I woke up the next day feeling like the luckiest girl ever. I am getting married today!! yaayy!! I am really nervous to though. What if she doesn't show? What if she changed her mind? What if I choke while saying my vows? What if I fall walking down the asile?  OH god. Now I fell really nervous. I hear a knock on my door. It's probably my mom and Taylor and Kylie. It's 9 o clock and the wedding starts at 2 so they arrived early to get me ready. I got up and opened the door and let them in. 

"Why hello there Mrs. Kingston. Are you ready to get married?" Kingston was my last name. I wanted Skys' last name but she thought mine would be better. I like the sound of it though. Skylar and Jamie Kingston. And Ashton Kingston of course. My mom sat me down in a chair and started my hair while Taylor did my hands and Kylie made finale touches on my dress. Oh I hope Sky doesn't wear a suit. I know she can be very tomboy sometimes but please don't wear a suit. Although it might be sexy seeing her in a tie. Maybe I could use that in bed one day. I chuckled at the thought and just waited for my mom and friends to finish up.

Skys' POV

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I knew Jamie would be a little angry if I wore a suit to the wedding g so I'm going to a super is her and wear a strapless mermaid dress.  I went to the salon and got my nails done. Now I'm at my hairstylist place getting my hair done. I can't wait to get married!!

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I'm sorry this is a short short chapter. My dad is rushing me because I need to get some more stuff for my party tomorrow. I Wil have the wedding chapter done when I get back and that WILL be the END of the story. But there is a sequel coming I promise. Bai~

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