Chapter 15

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Zehn's p.o.v

I wounder how Jamie's doing it's been a wile sense   I last spoke to her she hasn't been at work... Oh well. I walk past and see the guy I met in the park sitting under a tree glaring into space. I smile and walk over to the tree and sit next to him. His eyes turned red for a second but turned it's natural brown color. He smiled and said " Hey what's up." I smirked " I would have told you if you called me back." He sighed " I've been going through alot lately" I pouted and said " What is it?" He frowned " Ash has cancer and he will die and there is only one thing to save him... But Sky is worried about the long term effects." Why wouldn't Sky help the baby it seems like it would be the best option.... Is it? " What are the long term effects?" He frowned for a minute then said " When don't know that's the problem." I put my hand in his then said " I have to go home but we should have dinner some time." He smiled " Yeah, of course." I left when I looked back at him he was gone.

  Nick's p.o.v

 As soon as he got up I got a text from Jamie ' Sky is gone I need you too do it NOW!' ' Are you sure you want this?' It took a minute for her response ' Yes.' I used my inhuman speed to run to the hospital to see Ash in Jamie's arms " I love Sky but this is my baby and I need to do whats best for him and I don't want to see my baby die." I smiled " Your doing the right thing. She carefully handed the baby to me, and I retracted my fangs. Then I softly bit down on his neck. His eyes slowly turned from baby blue to blood red. The baby took in a breath then slowly closed his eyes. " It should take a few days for the cancer to be completely gone especially from a newly made vampire so don't expect him to have all the symptoms right away. That's when Sky raced in And was about to attack me when a nurse came into the room. " You are the people who requested to see Dean?" Sky stoped what she was doing and said " Yes?" The nurse gulped most likely because her eyes are still red " Dean has been awake for 48 hours now...." Jamie sat there shocked wile Sky started yelling at the nurse " WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US!!!" The nurse  breathed out " Well he dose not remember anything about himself other then his name and his age and what sport he plays so in order to not mess with what his previous self knew no one other then his doctor's are allowed to see him." Sky was about to attack the nurse when Jamie hugged her from behind stopping her. The nurse quickly left. " I knew this would happen..." Sky looked at me " What." I sighed " You have only had two weeks worth of training yet you think your unstoppable. I can see if you don't want to train but you need to control your anger." She growled " I'm fine it's that nurse-" Jamie cut in. " Sky calm down we have more important things to talk about." Sky looked at Ash with sadness in her eyes " I wanted him to be more then this I wanted him to have a normal life.." Jamie smiled " And he will but he wouldn't have if he went through operations all the time with us having our fingers crossed hoping it will work will be fine I promise." They leaned in and kissed and there kiss got more heated " Ok woah, woah, woah calm your selves down were in a hospital. No p.d.a." They sighed " I can't believe Dean has no memories.." Jamie said " Let's just think abut Ash right now."  " You'll have to fill out the release forms." They whined and I laughed. Then I got a text from Zehn " So if your not in the middle of any thing want to go out tomorrow?"

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