Chapter 23 ~END~

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Sky's POV

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        I was now waiting doe Jamie at the alter. I can't believe i'm actually getting married! I have never been so nervous in my life. I wasn't allowed to see Jamie last night because she wanted to go by the 'tradition'.  Even though Ash is a boy him and another boy Damion are the flower boys, That's just to cute. The music started to play and everybody stood up. I turned towards the door Jamie would be walking through. At this moment I am so happy but yet nervous. All of my worries vanished when she opened the door. We both locked eyes and I had the biggest smile on my face. Her dad locked arms with her and slowly walked her down the aisle. I looked at her dress. She had a strapless white wedding gown. It was long in the back. She had a necklace on that i bet her mother gave to her. It's nice to see all of her friends and family here. I have some of my vampire clan friends here. She continued  to walk down the aisle not breaking eyes contact with me. She looked just as surprised as I was because I actually wore a dress and not a suit. She got to the end of the aisle and kissed her dad before joining me. I took her hand and smiled deeply into her eyes. The priest began to speak.

"We are gathered her today to witness the marriage of two beautiful young ladies. Ms. Jamie Mccoy and Skylar Kingston. You both are taking Skylars' last name correct?" He said raising an eyebrow to me. I nodded and he proceeded on.

"Skylar please repeat after me. I Skylar Kinston take Jamie Mccoy to be my loved wedded wife."

I looked into Jamies' eyes and repeated him.

"I Skylar Kingston take you Jamie Mccoy to be lovely wedded wife."

"In sickness and in heath. To death do us part"

"In sickness and in heath. To death do us part."

"Skylar Kinsgton do you take Jamie Mccoy to be you wife?"

"I do." Jamie blushed and smiled when I finished.

"Ms.Mccoy pleas repeat after me. I Jamie Mccoy take you Skylar Kingston."

"I take you Skylar Kingston to be my loved wedded wife in sickness and in heath till death do us part." She spoke without repeating the priest. He chuckled and asked

"Do you take Skylar to be your wife?"

"I do" She said.

"Now skylar you may speak you vows." The priest said to me. I took a deep breathe and turned to face Jamie. "Jamie Elizabeth Mccoy. I remember the day i met you. When my fat ass ran into in the hallway. I am still sorry for that. But before that i was lost. I was unhappy. I didn't see the good that could come in life. I wasn't alive. But the day that we kissed my whole life turned around. And as the months grew I became more and more in love with you. You amaze me in every possible way. I am so lucky to have you in my life. And Ash of course. I promise to love you and Ash forever. I will protect you and i will comfort you. I love you" And about this time she was crying. I wiped her tears away andpecked her lips. 

"Now you Jamie"

Jamie's POV

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        I wiped the remaining tears i had away. and cleared my throat. 

 "Sky i never told you this before but I was terrified to speak to you that day, because truth is I had liked you sense the 8th grade> And yes it took me 4 years to finally talk to you and im glad I did. You have been there for me through so much. I never thought you would stay with me when i had Ash. I see the way you look at him, How you play with him and how you hold him at night.  I can't even out into words how much you mean to me. I know i have had a better past then you in family wise but now you have me Ash and you apart of my family now. I hope that will be for a very very long time. I love you Skylar Nicole Kingston." I finished and she was also in tears. I wiped them away. 

"Well i think its about time someone kissed someone!" The priest said and me and Sky laughed. I cupped her face and kissed her. "I love you so so so much sky" I said while still kissing her. "I love you so much Jamie" She said and we turned  and started our new lives together.

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Well that is the end of this story. There will be a sequel to this story. It will be in Ash's POV. But i will be taking a few weeks off from writting. Expect for my other story. I will find a name and will have chapter 1 up for the sequel soon though! Promise. I hoped you liked this story and this chapter! Stay strong and stay Beautiful

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