Chapter 20

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Zehn's p.o.v

I saw Jamie and Sky run into the room a few minutes after I told them Nick was here. I told them when they came in " I'm fine I just freaked out there's nothing to be worried about. Nick was hurt badly though." The doctor came in and pushed up his falling glasses " We are keeping him here over night just to watch over him. He witnessed a sucide witch brought on a panic attack. I belief the young man who died name was...." He checked a clip board he was holding " A young man named Gideon. Your friend Nick however has a lot more violent injury's witch brought on a comma as of a few hours ago. He will be put on life support for a in definite amount of time because we don't know when he will wake up but I'll leave you to catch up." I looked at Sky and Jamie they both had shocked faces. "Who was Gideon?" I sighed " He was my ex he had anger issues and took pills and anti-depressants but one day he forgot and he hurt me really bad after that he ran away. He attacked Nick then I saw him when I came out of the hospital and he had a gun. At first I thought he was going to shoot me but he raised the gun to his head and I blacked out." Sky came and hugged me wile Jamie pat her back. I hugged her back and then the doctor came in " Girls would you like to see Nick now?"  They said yes in unison " Can I come?" The doctor thought about it for a minute then looked and said " Yes but don't strain your self to hard." I smiled weakly and stood up and went to Nicks room. There I saw him and he looked so pale and skinny almost dead looking. Yet I saw his stomach rise and fall peacefully. I started to cry and wrapped my arms around him wile whispering " Get up, get up we're late for the wedding, just get up....." I felt a arm on my shoulder and saw Sky smiling weakly " He's going to be alright he's stronger then he looks." Gideon already left me I don't want him to leave me to.... 

Nick's p.o.v

I'm running though a forest with Gideon on my left yelling at me. Telling me to leave him and come with him to stop running and just stop. Then I see Zehn up a head yelling out my name. I'm so tired of running and all I want to do is to fall asleep but Zehn's screams wake me up though his voice is becoming clouded and Gideon's is becoming clearer and clearer. I can't stop and I can't keep going on like this I don't want to run any more but I have to. I'm suck like this and I don't know what to do. I feel lost like every thing I am is fading as I run. I don't know my name or who's shouting at me or who I'm running to. The man screams one last time for me to keep running then it all goes black.

From two different worlds(revising & editing)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz