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Natasha, a young girl who have a big talent, but without her sight, she is nothing. She is perfect as a normal person if people didn't know her disablities. She lost her sight in one accident during her college time. Not many knows who did it including her, and the effect until now. She lives with her beloved cousin, Clint Barton. A nice young man and the owner of a cafe. Natasha always singing, every night at Clint's cafe but Clint hide her identity with Natasha singing behind the red curtain, a shade of spotlight and audience only can see a shadow of Natasha behind the curtain. That is a life routine as Natasha Romanoff. Audience called her as 'Black Widow'. Her voice can sting deeply into anybody who listen to her voice. Sexy and mysterious.

"Thank you for anyone who coming here! I hope you enjoy with our Black Widow's voice." Clint give his speech and audience do not feel enough.

"One more! One more!"

"Black Widow I love you!"

People start throwing money in front of Clint. They want hear her singing again and again. "Wait a second." Clint goes behind the curtain and whispers to Natasha. "They want you again.. how?"

"Natasha smiled and nods. "Only one.."

"Alright! Thanks!" Clint goes to stage and speak. "Alright, Black Widow said one more song and then you can go home!"

That's how Natasha's life everyday.


"Wanda is pregnant, Steve. She can't singing for this time, that's what doctor said. "Bucky sitting in front of Steve with Wanda beside him. "I am happy for that but how we can manage to get a replacement for Wanda in just 3 days?" Steve asked Bucky. "We could held and audition!"

"I don't think so we could make it on time, to find someone like Wanda's voice its hard. We are a rock band and this song need a female voice who have a falsetto voice." Steve explained to them. "I need some fresh air." Steve left them both and drive his car to the nearest starbucks. He looks around, find nothing and then sighed hard thinking no place to sit but then he saw a table with only one lady wearing a sunglasses. She looks sexy. Steve swallowed hard when see how that lady drink her coffee. Her red full lips touched the cup and leave a lipstick trace on it. He walk slowly to her table and knock the table gently with a manner. "Excuse me, can I sit here?"

Natasha heard a man voice and she feel nervous. She take out her stick from her handbag. She's blind. Steve talk to his mind. "Let me help you.."

"No need, thank you." Natasha reject his offer, not because she is arrogant but her first experience as a blind person lead her to the wrong path when accept a stranger's help name Loki that day. Her life was totally ruined and with the help from Clint, she revive her life slowly. She tried to trace who is the guilty person that cause her lost sight but failed. Steve looks at Natasha without knowing who she is. Too bad she is blind and if she was a normal person, Steve willingly give his business card to her but again Steve still watching her walking with the help of walking stick. She have a small delicate figure, white porcelain skin and from that moment, he swear he never saw a beautiful creature like her before. "She looks familiar.." Steve say to himself before take a seat at Natasha's sitting trace. He smiled wide when saw what's left on the table, a purse and this time he will meet her for a second time.


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