Second Meet

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Steve looks the cafe that he stood in front of it. Then he saw a poster written 'Black Widow.'

"Black Widow? Isn't it a venomous spider?" Steve laughs to himself, entering the cafe and get a warm greet from a girl name Yelena. "Welcome to Hawkeye cafe! How many person?" Yelena hold the menu and waiting for Steve answered it. "Just me.."

"Oh! This way sir.." Yelena lead Steve to the nearest table. Seems like audience waiting for something. His order arrived and he sips a hot cappucino. It is good, it remembered him during his college time. Suddenly he become statue when he listen a voice. Everybody claps their hand, and his eyes focus on the stage. He saw no one, only a dark shadow behind the curtain. He listen to the soft voice, it is perfect. Even more perfect than Wanda's voice. He slowly called Bucky in half whispers tone. "Bucky! I found a her! Listen this.." Steve open the loud speaker and put his phone on the table with Bucky on the line. When the song finish, Steve turn off the loud speaker and continue talk to Bucky. "So is she good?" Steve feels excited.

"Its.. I lost my speech Steve. Who is she?" "I don't know, people call her as Black Widow. Well, i gotta go now to sneak up who is this girl." He hung up the phone and ask the girl that serve him earlier. "Well, excuse me, may I meet the girl that singing just now? More personally."

"You are not the first request me this such of thing." Yelena wants to leave but Steve grab her arm gently and whispers to her ear. "How many bucks you want?"

"All inside your pocket." Yelena smirks and Steve chuckles. He take out a sum of cash money with 2 inches thickness, with a big value notes. Yelena take it quickly and hide it inside her bra. She slips a bunch of key inside Steve's palm. "You can meet her but with one condition, no voice allowed or tomorrow I wont work here anymore, deal?"

"Deal." Steve smiled to her and then she flinch her brows. "One more thing! Please silent your phone okay? I have to go now, my shift end and I need to find a hotel to stay tonight since you stole my key." She winks and left him alone. Steve looks at the key and there state the address of the apartment number. He wonders who is the Black Widow and Steve totally forgot his original intention to return back the purse of the blind girl.


Natasha unlocked her door, like a pro she put her heels inside the shoe cabinet. Since 5 years ago, she start to practice memorize all the furniture located in her house. She looks like a normal girl in her house, everything perfect but she not allowed anyone to change the furniture location. Steve heard the door unlocked and he maintain silence. His mouth open wide but with no voice when he saw a similar lady that he meet at Starbucks. She hang her coat at the correct place and get inside her room but Steve manage to slip inside her bedroom before the door completely close. This time Steve jaw drops when the lady strip in front of him. He can see how porcelain her skin with with delicate figure. She released her long red curls and Steve's pants get tight. He cursed to himself of how bad his mind thinking right now. He swear to God he never know an angel does exist. She is a fallen angel from heaven and he will get a chance to get this angel even she is blind. He just want to touch the skin in his embrace but then he remembers what the waitress told him. The lady went to her bathroom with a towel wrapped around her body but she don't know why, her ankle sprained and she fell on the floor.

"Gotcha!" Steve managed to catch her body from completely fall and he flinched, he had revealed his appearance in the house. "Who.. who.. are you.. please..please don't hurt me.. please.. take what you want but.. don't.. don't.. touch.. me.." Steve slowly make her stand straight and she attempts to run, and this time she lost her count of the things around her and hit the wall, lead her into unconscious state. "Oh damn!" Steve quickly lift up her body and put it on the bed. Her head is fine, only have swollen. Steve goes to kitchen, find an ice cube. He gently put the ice slowly on her head to relieved the pain. She still wrapped in towel. Steve think its not proper to leave her in naked state. She might catch cold and fall sick. He saw a pyjama in her wardrobe, a black one and put it on her body. Steve a few times had to slaps himself from thinking dirty of the blind girl but he still have heart. Now, he had complete his task and give a light pecks on the cheek. "I am sorry.." He decides it is time to take a leave and he put down the girl purse on her dressing table. Suddenly her phone house ringing but he not answered it. The voice call coming. "Natasha this is Clint, tomorrow I have to close the cafe, I need to go back my hometown because of family matter. Stay at home and do not go anywhere without Yelena.. we both love you, Tasha." The voice call ended.

"Natasha.." Steve smiled to the figure and decides to sleep on the couch to look after her and tomorrow he will introduce himself properly to gain her trust.

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