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It's been a week and Natasha's big day has arrived. She feel nervous, afraid if the surgery failed or become worst. Dr. Bruce managed to get Natasha's waiting list move forward just because of Steve. Steve holds Natasha's hand tightly. He kissed her forehead, waiting the hours of the surgery start.

"After this, you will see a bright future and maybe you don't need this hand anymore.." Steve said, feeling something inside built in himself. He actually fall in love with her since the first time he heard her voice but he cannot express his feeling, he afraid if he got rejected.

"I still need your hand to lead me.. don't let it go from my hand.." Natasha said smiling in nowhere. "Steve.. thank you for everything.. you are my angel.."

"And you are my MP3.." She laughs. "Why MP3? I thought you gonna say I am your song.."

"Mmm.. because if i say You're my song, that sounded so wise, so as Steve, you are my MP3 Natasha.." Steve get closer to her lips and Natasha is not stupid of what that is means. She slowly raised her hand, make sure of the distance but Steve catches her hand, guide it to his back head and Natasha smiling. Steve slowly reach her lips, gently, nibbing her lower lips and Natasha know the signal, she parted open her lips for Steve's tongue get an access. It happened about eight to seven minutes and when they pulled apart, Natasha's face looks red.

"Ehem.." Four nurses come to the room to take her into an operation room. "Excuse me sir, the time has come.." Natasha lies back on the wheeled bed. "I will wait for you, Black Widow.." Natasha feel nervous, this time it getting stronger but Steve had assured that nothing bad will happen.


Six hours passed and Steve still loyal waiting for Natasha, Yelena come with a guy, looks like her boyfriend but that guy is a bit crazy, always do joke until they got chased out by staff in the hospital. Clint also come, alone and sit beside him. "I wonder why Yelena would bring Wade here.." Clint smiled.

"Is he Yelena's boyfriend?"

"Yup, and that guy even much better than any guy.. he is a rich son and his father work at Stark Industry, one of the share partner there but he choose to live it all for Yelena's sake and now he work in a grocery shop." Clint explained and that make Steve knows a bit about that guy and it is almost similar to him but he still depending on his fathers money, luckily his brother Thor managed to handle the company.

The operation room's door opened and Dr. Bruce come out. "How's Natasha, Bruce?"

"The operation succeed. You may now see your princess after she transferred into her room." Bruce explained and that makes him happy. "Let her rest first, and by tomorrow, she can see your face.."


The darkness had to come to end and thousand of lights are waiting on front of Natasha. She was sitting on her hospital bed now. She can feel a nurse open her bandage that wrapped around her head. Steve waiting nervously about the result. One final wrapper has been put aside and now Bruce take off the cotton that was put on her eyes, slowly and gently. Natasha can feel it all. She fear if she saw nothing.

"Open your eyes slowly Natasha.. in my count okay?" Natasha smiles and nods slowly. "One.." Steve already stand in front of her bed now. "Two.." she feel nervous. Very nervous. "Three.." her heartbeat beats fast, same goes to Steve's heart. She slowly opens her eyelids, slowly and she can't see anything at first. She started to get panic. "Okay Natasha.. close your eyes back, and then open it again.." Natasha do as what Bruce told her. She close her eyes again, and this time it is a white color appear, it is blank. "Natasha.. again try to blink your eyes.. give some light exercise.. what do you see now?"

"It is.. white color at first.."

"Good, now blink your eyes several times.." Bruce know Natasha's procedure is very in a short period and he needs to be careful because some of his cases, the patient still can't see. Natasha slowly see a dark image, and then its appear to become a man's face. Steve looks at her, hopefully she can see him.

"Are you.. Steve?" Natasha looks at him again and this time Natasha's face blushed. "I can see you.." Natasha almost want to cry but Bruce not like it, not because he is jealous but it will ruined the healing process. "I assured you no tears for this three days, don't wash your face, just let your eyes rest for three days only. She nods again, smiling. Bruce take all his stuff and leave them with his staff. "If have anything, call me.."

"Natalia.." She looks to her left side and saw a blonde girl. She waves to her like a crazy person. "Its me! Its me!" Beside the girl, have one built up man and she can guess it is Clint. "Clint!! You.. you not skinny anymore.. and you are.. Yelena?" Natasha have a hard time to recognize them both because last time she saw them is very a geek and nerd. They both hugs Natasha and Steve just stood there, smiling. He feel satisfied with what he had done, at least he had finally redeem himself. Yelena looks at Steve and she whispers something to Clint that makes them giggle. "Natasha, we need to go to cafeteria because this monster feel hungry.." Clint points his index fingers towards Yelena. "Hey! I am not a monster! You are King Kong!" She pouts but Clint pulls her hand, leaving the room.

The space become silent, Steve just looking at Natasha and she just look down, doesn't know the place to hide her face. She feels shy because she is one Steve's fans and her idol now standing in front of her, like an angel is disguise. Steve come forward and sit on the chair beside Natasha's bed. He hold her hands. "How do you feel now?"

Natasha slowly looks at Steve, her green emerald eyes stare at those blue pupils. Steve's face getting red, she is so beautiful at that time, even she doesn't have make up on her. It's been a long silence until Steve let go off his hand from Natasha and Natasha frowns. "Sorry, I guess you not comfortable with me.."

"No.. I am speechless.."

"After this you don't need my hands anymore.."

"Its.. no.. I.. I.. still need it, I need you to guide me and you already promised me to not let go off your hand.." her voice cracked, feeling want to cry but Steve stood up and hugs her tight, bring her head lean on his muscular abs. "I am just joking.." he laughs and Natasha's heart jump happily. "I will not let go off your hands because.. you're my MP3.."

"Why MP3?" She asked.

"Because like MP3, the song will keep repeated in MP3 player, just like you. You will keep repeat again and again in my head.." Steve explained and Natasha push herself off from Steve.

"Thank you.. I can't repay of your deeds to me Steve.."

"Just forget your past, your haunted past and live happily for now.. the bright future are waiting for you.." Steve doesn't want her to remember the accident and he hopes Natasha could forget about it. In a moment later, their lips meet in a possessive manner and Steve has swear he will protect Natasha from any harm.


"Bucky look!" Wanda scream and force Bucky to look at her phone. "Oh damn, she's coming back! Heck! Steve's life will be a mess.." Bucky frowns. "I hate this bitch for almost ruining our band."

"She is a worst artist manager and now look, she back and claim herself ready to be serve.. luckily I am pregnant! If not, she will be in sewer pipe!" Wanda feel mad. "Baby.. shhh.. calm down, you are pregnant.." Wanda try to calm herself and they looks at each other.

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