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It is the first time, Natasha went out without her walking stick and it is the first time, she feel protected by a guy and it is a famous Steve Rogers. Natasha was lead to Optical Hospital, a specialist for eyes surgery. Natasha now waiting inside the appointment room. "Hi Natasha.. My name is Bruce Banner and I am a close friend of Steve. Wow Steve you got a beautiful girlfriend.."

"No.. we are friends only.." Natasha cut the conversation. Steve smiled at her. Bruce then look at the patient record card. "Let see.. oh your name is not Natalia?" Bruce looks at her to get an answer.

"That's my real name.. Natalia Alianovna Romanova.." Natasha told Bruce and Steve seems remember something about the name. He remember someone mentioned about this name somewhere, long time ago. "Excuse me, I am waiting outside.."

Steve feels impact inside his head and he try so hard to remember the name.


Steve driving at that night, with drunken state and while Wanda and Bucky at the back seat, making out session. "Steve slow down the car! We might car into accident!"

"Bucky please keep her quiet, I am driving.."

"She is right.. you are so fast..!" Bucky kissed Wanda and all of sudden, they both falls from the seat when Steve put an emergency break. They can heard a bang sound on Steve's car. It is in the middle of traffic lights while it shows the green light for pedestrian. "What is that? Steve! Wanda shocked and Steve already turn pale. Bucky turn his head to the back of the car and he can see a lying body on the road. "You hit someone Steve!" Bucky shouts at him. "Lets get out from here.." Steve start the car engine but Wanda stopped him. "We can't leave.. if you dont want to admit your fault, at least we send she or he to the hospital.." Wanda plead to Steve and Bucky agree with what Wanda had suggest. "Okay.." Steve get out from his car and look at the victim. It is a girl and her hair is red.. he doesn't know is that a natural color or by blood. She injured too much, blood everywhere. Steve afraid if she died but he pulls sigh of relieved when he heard the heart beat of the girl. Wanda helps pick up the girl stuff and they sent her to the hospital. They have to cheat the nurse and doctors there, making up story that they found her lying on the street. Luckily bucky left with the car and send to wash it. After finished the procedure, Wanda sit outside with Steve, waiting for Bucky arrived with new car.

"Her name is.. Natalia Alianovna Romanova.."

"Shut up Wanda, I dont want to know about her details.. and it is lucky they believed on us.."

End of Flashback

"Natalia.." Steve feels guilty, what game God wants to play with him, he met the girl he had hit, the girl is blind and live in the darkness for 5 years. Steve get inside the washroom, tears rolled down and it is the first time he crying about his own fault. He is a monster. He stole the happiness life from an innocent girl. Suddenly his phone ringing. "Hey Steve, the session is done.."

"Alright I'm coming.." Steve left the washroom and enters Bruce's room to get Natasha. He does not dare to look at her eyes. He had make her suffer and wasted. "I have a good news Natasha.. you can get your sight back.. actually, the position of your cornea is in wrong position, and there is a bit.. hmm.. let see which place I can correct it.. but the chance is high, 80%." Natasha smiled happily. "Steve, I can see you!" Steve holds her hand tightly and tears rolled down and Bruce looks weird at him and he was about to questioned it but Steve only put his index finger on his lips. "Natasha, let me bring you outside and wait for me okay? I have some thing to settled with Bruce.." Natasha nods and Steve helps her stand, put her to the chair in a waiting area. "Stay here.."

"How do I know it is you?" Natasha asked him and he kissed her forehead. "This is me.." Natasha blushed and Steve smiled looking at the scene. He left her and again enters the Bruce room. "What happened to you dude?"

"Its Natalia.."

"What happen to her that relates with you?"

"I am the cause why she become like that.. Do you remember five years ago, I hit a girl, at that time I was drunk and..."

"Steve.. you did the correct things by sent her to the hospital.."

"No! It is Wanda.. you know what? If Wanda and Bucky not convinced me to send her to hospital, she.. dead.. already.."

"Steve! That is in past! Look where are you now! You are here, accompanied her to meet me and then the miracle happen, the damaged of her eyes is not worst. Stay calm.."

"But I don't know what happened to her in her 5 years.." Steve can't hold the sadness. "You already did the first step to redeem yourself by brought her here.."


Clint face flashed in shocked as he saw a guy at Natasha's door. "Who are you?! Where is Natasha?! Oh! You are same like Loki! You want me to call the police huh?!"

"Stop stop.." It is too late, one punch fly from Clint's fist and reach on Steve's nose. Natasha stand up from her bed, and walking slowly to the living room. "Clint..?"

"Natasha are you okay? He not harm you?" Clint runs to get Natasha but she smiled. "He is my friend.. and he did nothing bad to me.."


"Who is Loki?" Clint asked Yelena and her face expression turns into the bitter one. "Well.. he is the jerk that almost rape Natasha.. he become my boyfriend to just get near Natasha and it happened when I am not at home, pretending to her that he wants to return me home. He took advantage on her just because she is blind. I hope the person who cause her blind will rotten in hell!" Yelena explained and its hurt Steve more. He can feel the pain that Natasha have to endure by herself. Clint sit there enjoy them. "I am sorry dude about your face.." Steve just smiled and seems like Clint can get along with him. "I just brought Natasha today to my friend.. he is a doctor and he said Natasha can get her sight back because the injury on her eyes is not worst and the chance is 80%." Both Yelena and Clint hugged each other. "Thank you Steve!"

"I never regret to lend you my key.." Yelena said it loud but then he got a glare from Clint. "So you are behind.." "No.. no.." Yelena runs away around the living room while Clint behind her. Steve doesn't know how to tell them about the accident.

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