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"So, you all know the story of the Ultima werewolf but I'll retell it for you." The fire flickered ominously, casting shades of red over the kids gathered by the campfire. They all knew the story, and it terrified them. They shook their heads no, as if silently begging, but the girl continued on.

"Hundreds of years ago, a man was deeply in love with a woman, and she returned his love. They were so happy together. However, that happiness was taken away when the woman died. The man was overcome with grief, and desperately wanted her back. So, he made a deal with a demon. His loved one was revived, but as payment, the man had to sacrifice a living creature. He chose a wolf, but the god of wolves found out, and cursed the man to be a horrible wolf-like creature. Not fully human, or wolf. He hid his curse from his wife, and they had two children, a son and a daughter. The wife did find out about her love's curse, and she shunned him. To get their children away from the monster he had become, she grabbed their daughter and ran. The man had found out, and she fled before she was caught. The man was driven out of his village, and he was lonely. He had found out that his curse was not to be shunned, but to give others the same fate as his: to turn them into werewolves. So, out of loneliness, he turned the entire village into wolf like creatures, just like him. They became the first pack to ever roam the earth.  Every modern day werewolf is a bloodline descendant of the from first pack.. The bloodline of the first werewolf, however is called the Ultima, and his lineage is cursed with the same power as their ancestor: to turn humans into werewolves!"

She paused, and saw all the children shivering in fright. Almost all of them were huddled together in small groups, staring at her with wide eyes. They were clearly terrified, but the girl was having too much fun to stop. The story wasn't actually that scary, and the girl had tried to make it sound less so. But the children seemed to be afraid of a half human half wolf man coming and turning them into werewolves. Just the idea of it seemed to make them wet their pants.

"And the scariest part about the Ultima werewolf story, is that it's all true!" She screeched. "The descendants of the ultima lurk among us, hidden in plain sight. Most of them keep their powers hidden, and don't harm anyone unless provoked. But there are some who are willing to demonstrate their powers, even if it means killing people in the process." A camper raised their hand and shakily asked, "What do you mean ma'am?" The camp leader stared at the boy who had asked the question. "When you look into the glowing red eyes of an ultima, you will either turn into a werewolf, or DIE!" She screeched loudly. The children screamed and ran into their tents. But one child stayed behind. He seemed terrified, but was too scared to move. "Ma'am?" The girl asked, trying to sound brave. "How do you know so much about the ultima lineage anyway?" The camp leader looked at the girl and told her to go to her tent. The girl left, and the camp leader stood there, alone. She let her eyes glow red as she stood there, before extinguishing the light, and going to her tent. I know so much about the Ultima lineage, because I am a part of it. And she fell into a deep sleep.

Authors note
This fanfic won't make a lot of sense unless you've seen My street: emerald secret.
Enjoy the story!

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