Tim Drake!Robin X Reader

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Y/N-Your Name
Y/S/N-Your Superhero Name
E/C-Eye Color
T/F/C-Two Favorite Colors
Y/L/N-Your Last Name
F/C-Favorite Color
Y/H- Your Height


Another covert mission gone wrong, the covertness was what went wrong really.

All you guys had to do was get in, break down the central main frame and get out without making a fuss. Beast Boy made sure that wasn't a thing.

The team did manage to complete the mission, and take down another one of the Light's mini Headquarters, but they were getting harder and harder to take down and more of your team members have taken more damage the harder the missions become to stay covert.

But everyone was here safe and sound, no one physically hurt, other than Bart coming home with a gash over his head and a strong talking down to from Nightwing.

Emotionally was a completely different story.

"Alright everyone, hit the showers while you can, I think we all deserved it after that dip in the septic tanks we all the work we did today." Nightwing told his team, exhaustion telling his body to sleep, but still being able to chuckle to himself quietly as he watched half the team race each other to the bathrooms for first dibs while the other half left to go to their rooms and just wait for a free shower.

With everyone leaving the main hall, that left you, Robin, and Nightwing in the main hall of Mount Justice. The two of them turned away from you and began to have a hushed conversation making sure that you were out of ear shot, ignoring your presence and leaving you to stand alone to the side.

You took the hint that your presence wasn't wanted and left to be on your own.

But, unlike what you thought, your leaving didn't go unnoticed. Robin kept his eyes trained on you while he pretended to listen to Nightwing.

He noticed how your uniform was filthy, covered in mud and dirt, your hair was everywhere you wouldn't normally want it to be, your entire physique sluggish and beaten down.

You didn't look like you.

"Go check on Y/S/N, would you, Tim?" Robin turned to look at his leader and friend and saw Nightwing noticing your leave as well. "She needs her best friend."

Nodding, the young Robin ran after you; his cape fluttering behind him, his footsteps silent from sheer instinct of being trained by the light-footed Bruce Wayne.

He followed you into the lounge and found you trying to hide in the couch, your body sprawled over the plush furniture with your arms spread across the back of the couch and your head leaning against the back the couch.

Robin stepped over your legs that you had propped up on the table and fell onto the couch next to you. "Heya, Y/S/N." He greeted you, his legs sliding up onto the couch and slipping his feet under your leg and he kept his eyes on you, watching your every move.

You hummed quietly back in reply, never moving your body on the comfy couch, leaving Tim to continue watching you.

In the long silence, Tim took in every bit of your face that he could see, thinking back to the time when you two first really met, to him it was just the start of another day at Gotham academy for him.

Tim made his way into Gotham Academy, like any other day, he was roughly fifteen minutes ear, leaving time for him to grab his books from his locker that he left in there overnight.

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