Tim Drake!Robin X Reader

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Y/N-Your Name
E/C-Eye Color
Buteo- Your last name is this, it's the Genus name of the Red-Tailed Hawk


You know, working with the Young Justice team was awesome: the training helped you in great leaps and bounds that especially with your training under Hawk Girl, your social life grew faster and stronger around the team than the people you knew as Y/N and you felt pretty cool running around with the alias Red-Tail.

But working with the Young Justice League was not so great. At least, Batman's sidekick wasn't so great.

Every move you made, he criticized you.

You jumped in front of a bullet for him, he'd yell at you.

You sweat a little less than he does, he'd scream at you.

You ate the wrong kind of cereal, he'd flip. Yeah that one happened before.

What the heck did you even do?! Every time you asked Hawk Girl, she always gave you some convoluted beating around the bush.

Right now you were just sitting happily on the kitchen counter in the base, this place being your home when Hawk Girl dropped you off to live here. You sat with a bowl of frosted flacks held in the center of your crossed legs, your eyes watching a fly fly around the kitchen, landing on random places and then flying off again.

A huge crash came from the main room, the fly jolting away to another room in the compound and you leaning over your bowl to see down the hallway.

"Get back here!" Nightwing's voice shouted down the hallway, his almost silent footsteps to your ears matched another pair at a much quicker pace.

"Wallace?" The younger flash had been a quick one to introduce himself when you first joined the team before he retired.

"Red-Tail! Grab him!" Hopping off the counter, you stepped into the doorway of the kitchen and looked down the hallway, not knowing what to expect until you were sliding backwards across the floor.

"Whoa! That was totally crash!" You finally caught a glimpse of the white and red blob that had run you over. His brown hair looked almost as red as Wally's, that is, it looked like a dog tried styling his hair with his tongue, shooting in twenty different directions. A yellow visor was slipped over his wide eyes, but they didn't block the surprise at seeing you.

"Yes, you did totally crash into me." It took some getting used to when you finally came here to understand everyone's slang, Nightwing was the worst, half of his words did were cut up ones of other words you barely knew already.

His face split into a happy grin, quickly standing up and using his speed to pull you up just as fast. "No, crash means...wait, Mama Dr-" His eyes widened and the next thing to you knew, you were back on your butt with a bleeding nose.

"Ow!" You screeched in pain, your cry causing the people in the room to recoil in pain.

"What have we said about you using that!" Robin's obviously annoyed voice screamed at you, his voice higher than normal, making it obvious he couldn't really hear himself speak with his pained ears.

As much as you wanted to shout back at him, you didn't.

You just didn't.

"Robin, Red-Tail, quit your bickering." You pinched your nose tightly as you looked over to Nightwing, he was holding onto the rouge speedster by the scruff of his uniform like a puppy.


"Here, Bart, you must have worked up a thirst coming from the future like that." You and Beast Boy looked away from the speedster to see your leader walking into a room with a glass of water in his hand.

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