Damian Wayne!Robin X Reader

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You and Damian are Eighteen and Nineteen, respectively as a by the way.
-Your Name
E/C-Eye Color


The sudden glare of the sunlight straight to your face woke you up with a start along with the whoosh of the thick fabric of the curtains that usually stopped the light being pulled apart pulled you out of that fuzzy area between sleep and awake.

"Wakey, wakey my little love birds!" The familiar voice of Damian's oldest brother shouted through the room, too chipper for being awake this early on a Saturday.

You squinted your eyes at his direction, he stood in the direct line of the sun standing behind him, giving him a good reason to be called Golden Boy with how much yellow is shining around him. Before you could begin yelling at him, you felt your boyfriend shift in your arms, pulling himself closer to you, nuzzling his face subconsciously deeper into the crook of your neck.

"Dick, I suggest you go away before you wake Damian up." You knew first-hand how your boyfriend acted when he was woken up from his sleep, especially when it's a weekend, but the eldest Robin didn't seem to understand you.

His grin grew larger, well at least you think he did since you still couldn't see him with that damn sun behind him. "Aw how cute, Y/N. You seem to forget that I'm Dami's favorite."

"Dick, no matter how much he favors you over the rest of your brothers, you probably won't be his favorite when you wake him up before noon on a Saturday. Remember Fourth of July?" The blacknette visibly shuddered at the memory of being chased around the Manor by a practically rabid nineteen-year-old. "So, I suggest you let him be and wake up on his own accord."

While he finally left the room, he grumbled to himself about being so bored and then something about Jason before he quietly shut the door behind him.

You hummed to yourself before glancing down to your still sleeping boyfriend. His head laid mostly on your sleeveless shoulder while he hid his face in your neck, his slow and paced breathing tickled your gentle skin. After wiggling around a little, you felt his arms were in fact tightly wrapping themselves around your waist, his hands holding onto the fabric of your black tank top, keeping you from moving away from him at all. And best part was that you were mostly pinned to the bed by his body weight, his legs hugging one of your legs between his.

It was hard not the love when the normally stoic Wayne was all cuddly and lovey dovey. Last night, he got back from a what you later found out to be a very rough night on patrol when he came into your guys room and promptly interrupted your journaling by laying his body down on top of yours. He whispered a quiet "love you" before he quickly fell asleep.

With the help of Titus, you had the smart dog turn off the lights before his big body jumped on the bed at your feet, falling asleep as quickly as his master had. The last thing you remembered before you fell asleep as well other than acting like a pillow to you beloved Damian was running your fingers smoothly through his dark and half Arabian hair. You pressed a quick kiss to his hair and began to massage his scalp again as you drift back to sleep, wanting to enjoy a few more z's while you could with him.


The sun had thankfully risen higher and was no longer glaring me in the eye the next time you woke up to the feeling of patterns drawn into your stomach. Something had pushed your tank top up to expose a portion of your stomach. You kept your eyes shut as you tried imagining what was being drawn into your skin.

Damian's body had not moved at all since the last time you checked, your hand was twisted between his hair. You slowly began massaging his scalp again, the drawing on your stomach stopped. Damian leaned into the touch of your hand, he deeply sighed, the air tickling your neck as it left his nose, making you burst out in giggles.

Young Justice One Shots and ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora