Blue Beetle X Reader

833 32 5

Y/N-Your Name
Y/S/N-Your Superhero Name


You slowly limped towards the phone box at the end of the street, groaning with ever step you took, pain shot up your leg from your ankle. You just couldn't believe that you...really? This is what's gonna take you out of commission?

Pulling open the weird folding and sliding door, you hit the coordinates of Mount Justice into the keyboard of the phone, but it whined back at you: "Phone out of service".

"Really? The only Zeta Tube within a mile of me and you're fricking broken?" You angrily kicked the bottom of the both, growling in pain at yourself when more pain short circuited your brain. "Ahhhhh, fudge a duck!"

Pulling your phone out of your back pocket, you dialed your boyfriend's number, thinking about if he was doing anything right now, he should just be in the cave, probably hanging out with Bart like normal.

"We're sorry, but the number you called is not available, if you would like-" You were getting sick of hearing those automated responses everywhere you turned, mentally cursing your boyfriend for not picking up your calls. It was probably Scarab blocking them and explaining that you were not of importance right now.

Looks like Bart is your next best option. He always has his phone on him and always so happy when he gets a call. "Hellllooo there, this is Bart, grandson of the great Flash, and I am the fastest man alive, faster even than Wally West-Ow, hermano, what was that for? That's just how I answer my phone!"

You could hear the Mexican accent of your boyfriend in the background and you cleared your throat loudly in the phone, "Bart."

"Oh, hey, Y/N! What brings you a calling to my amazing phone number?"

"Could you come pick me up from the Zeta tube near my place?" You had managed to hobble your way to the curb, taking a seat on the raised pavement as you stared down at your massively swollen ankle, looking like a softball was growing in the side of your ankle.

"Surio, yo comprendo, amigo! Hey, Blue, how was my Spanish?! Hey! Quit shooting at me! I'm on the phone with Y/N! Do you want her to hear me dying because of you?!" More shouting in Mexican in the background.


"Hermano you need to chill! I want to live! I want to try her nachos one more time!" Even more yelling in Spanish in the background.


"What, oh hey Y/N! What can I do for you?" This kid has the attention span of a grain of rice, it's ridiculous.

"Just come pick me up!" You shouted into the phone before you hung up the phone, "I swear, these kids will be the death of me! Great now I sound like an old person." You dryly laughed while rubbing your face with your hands before looking once again at your hurt appendage. 

While you tried rolling it slowly back and forth, you heard the fast patter of a speedster's footsteps, "On your left!" There was no time between you hearing the voice and the sudden jostling of you suddenly being held to Bart's chest as he booked it in the direction he just came from to prepare yourself for his sudden speed. "Hey homie!" Bart smiled at your shocked face, his goggles making his green eyes look amber, but they still glittered with excitement as he ran.

"Bartholomew!" You bit your lip as you tried keeping your leg from shaking and jostling all over the place, hurting your ankle with every step the speedster took.

He only grinned happier at you, "That's my name! Don't wear it out!" Ignoring his stupid sounding usage of slang, you put your head in the crook of his neck and waited for him to arrive at Mount Justice. "Aaaaaaaaaaand we're here!" The brunette happily yelled as you finally looked up at saw that you two were in fact in the middle of the training ring in the control center of the hide out.

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